Let It Go (This isn't a Frozen Reference)

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~Attention sunflowers, this one shot will contain some bonding between Sope. No romance, just platonic love and growing affection between these two. Also there will be a trigger and possible panic attack with slight angst just a forewarning, other than that please enjoy and know that I included a bit of myself in this. Enjoy~

Yoongi groaned with annoyance at Hoseok, the reason? Well for thirty minutes straight they were doing nothing but exercises, the pinkette saying that they needed to be fully ready for the choreography he wanted to teach the Daegu male.

Of course after the exercising the younger instructed the raven to repeat what he did, though the way Hoseok explained things wasn't very...helpful in this case he wasn't  specific only saying "Bum~ bum~ bum~" or "Ba~ ba~ ba~" as he showed Yoongi the steps.

(Pretend Yoongi's in this example)

"You got it?"

The damned jerk dare ask him with that large heart-shaped smile, in all honesty Yoongi wished Hoseok wasn't so enthusiastic about teaching him a dance because he didn't get all of it.

"No" he replies "Not all of it" the raven notes Hoseok's expression remaining neutral "What don't you get?" he asked the older with so much energy even after doing all those isolations and transitions, Yoongi envies his peppiness "That last part, do you think you can show me it again please...without all the loud noises"

The pinkette nods knowing exactly what the other was referring to and began to help the raven with the last few moves of the dance, though he only spared Yoongi the first parts before going back to the 'Ba~ba~ba~' method, luckily the Daegu boy was able to properly get the last bits and pieces of the choreography without getting confused "So you got it? Or do I need to show you again?" Hoseok asked him with a teasing smirk.

Yoongi shakes his head "No, no, I'm good" he says and the Gwangju boy nods "Good, then we can dance"
the raven pauses "Wait now already?" Hobi nods "Yeah, what did you think we'd learn it and not have perform? That's not how it works here in Hopeworld, the point of learning choreography is to be one with the dance you're learning. Some people maybe lacking or excel in certain areas, others may just have lack confidence and look stiff because they're self cautious"

"So you're basically telling me that I'm gonna suck" Yoongi drawls with a pokerface, Hoseok shrugs "Maybe, maybe not you never know you just might surprise yourself, besides didn't you say that you danced before?" the raven nodded "Yeah and that was back in middle school almost high school?"

"So, your body still remembers how to move, all you gotta do is let loose and let the music flow you just gotta stop being such a grumpy cat and do it" he whines cutely much to the older's disdain and defeat "Fine, but I'm telling you I suck"

"Let me be the one to judge that, now get in position" Hoseok instructs as he kneels in front of the   speaker pressing play on his phone, the music coming on.

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