Chapter 62

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Caine awoke flinching, as a single, blazing, white ray of sunlight landed directly on his eyes. Damn! Someone kill the fucking sun! Caine thought, as he moved to place his hand over his eyes. He soon realized that he couldn't, not without waking up Diana. Her soft slender arm was draped across his bare chest, enabling him to move. Damn! Damn you sun! Caine thought, cursing at the star that granted life to all the organisms on earth. He now lay there fuming at the small ray of sunlight that penetrated through the curtains. "Caine, if you hate the sun so much, just close the freaking curtains," Diana murmured in his ear. "Yeah, well get off me!" Caine muttered, then shoved Diana's arm off of him. "Hey! Not my fault. This bed is too small, plus you're hogging the blanket," Diana shot back. It was true. The hotel had two medium- sized beds, but they now shared just one after their little episode last night. As a result, they lay so close that their legs were touching and their chests frequently collided. What was also true, is that Caine was hogging the entire blanket to himself, which left Diana half uncovered. He grinned wickedly and stretched. Diana stared at him, a small smile dancing on her lips, as she snatched the blanket to cover herself. He laughed then hunted for his clothes. This was no easy task, for his clothes were strewn all about the room. Nevertheless, after retreaving all his clothes, he quickly got dressed. "Caine give me my dress. It's on the chair," Diana said, pointing to said chair. Caine smirked and said,"Nah I don't think so. Plus I like you better like this." Diana frowned, because all she was wearing was the necklace Caine gave her yesterday. This and nothing else. "You disgust me. Now give me my dress, before I beat you," Diana threatened. Caine shrugged and refused. Diana glared at him and clicked open her necklace. "I own you Caine, so get me my dress or I will leave you and shove this necklace down your throat while I'm at it," Diana snapped. Caine sighed and retrieved Diana's dress. "Turn around while I change," Diana instructed, as she made sure Caine was unable to see her. "This is stupid. I've seen you naked before. What's the big deal?  Stupid women," Caine muttered, but obeyed none the less. Once Diana finished, Caine got one good look at her. She looked the same as she did yesterday, but to Caine she looked amazing. He thought she looked like a queen, even if Diana's hair no longer fell into perfect tumbling curls. Her hair was now flat and wavy, which was caused by sleep. Caine didn't care. To him, she looked beautiful and perfect. Something else caught his eye, besides her beauty. The silver gleam of the angel that rested against her perfect throat. He smiled and gave her a quick kiss. "You're so hot," Caine whispered against her lips. She laughed and said,"And you're so needy. Now let's go see how your brother and blondy are doing." Caine sighed then followed Diana out the door.

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