Chapter 56

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Caine showered and was now lounging on the big recliner sofa in the living room, waiting for Diana to finish. Why do women always take such a long time to shower? Caine asked himself. Maybe cause they're so filthy, that it takes them a while to cleanse themselves, Caine thought, having reached a conclusion. A few seconds later, as if summoned by his thoughts, Diana emerged from her room. She looked gorgeous. Hell, she was so stunning that Caine's jaw almost dropped. She was wearing a silky scarlet dress that showed enough bosom, to make Caine blush. The dress fell down to her ankles, where it was visible that Diana was wearing heels, which made her seem taller. Her hair fell around her shoulders, like a tumbling wave of perfect curls. Her outfit and appearance made her seem like a beautiful brave godess. It reminded Caine of a queen. MY queen, Caine thought, while gawking at Diana. His dark brown eyes traveled up and down her body, pausing at some exposed places, where skin was visible. Diana smirked and laughed as she watched Caine's reaction. He was practically drooling. She made a small tsk- tsk sound and said,"Really, Caine? That's no way to treat a woman." Caine ignored her and kept on staring. She sighed and moved to sit on a sofa with such grace, that it took every ounce of Caine's will not to reach out and touch her. Her dress fanned out around her, like a sea of blood. Caine let out a breath, trying to regain control, and asked,"Why are you dressed so nice?" Diana smirked and got up and sat on his lap,"It's a secret," she whispered into his ear. This sent chills racing through Caine's body. "Just tell me," Caine muttered, hating how his voice sounded desperate. She laughed and said, "Nope not yet!" Caine frowned, and persisted on an answer. Eventually, Diana gave in and said,"What day is it today?" Caine shrugged, not knowing the answer. He hasn't been keeping track of time. Wait a minute! Today was Diana's birthday and he forgot.

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