Chapter 48

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Astrid awkwardly walked across the living room and sat down on the sofa opposite of Diana. They both sat there saying nothing, until Astrid asked, suddenly curious, "How does it feel, to see someone who you loved, come back from the dead?" Diana glared at her and said,"I don't know, this isn't a science experiment, genius, so calm down." Diana sighed and snapped,"How would it feel to see your little Sammy boy die in front of your eyes, and know that you will never ever see him ever again?" Astrid looked down ashamed of her curiosity and excitement. "Sorry, I was just wondering............" Diana shrugged and said,"It's alright, and if you really must know, cause I know you're dying to know, it feels like a part of me came back to life, you know? When Caine died, I felt like I died a little inside. I couldnt feel anything, hell I couldn't even enjoy a eating and that's saying something. It felt as if I lost an arm or a leg. I felt dead. When Caine came back, I felt.........human again. I was full again." Astrid stared at the girl in front of her. No, Diana isn't a girl. She may look like a ruthless teenager, the kind who would go to parties and get drunk, but since the FAYZ,  she wasn't a girl anymore. No, she was a warrior. A warrior who was full of pain and sadness, yet never let anyone inside. Astrid felt sympathy, even sadness for the warrior. She'd experienced the same feeling when she killed Petey. They both sulked silently, lost in their sad thoughts and memories, when Diana exclaimed, "Well, enough of this sorry ass pity party, let's go check on the boys!" The girls got up and walked silently toward where "the boys" were at.

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