Chapter 14

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Diana fell into a pit of darkness. She couldn't feel anything.  She couldn't see anything. Diana, someone whispered. It was his voice. Caine, she yelled as loud as she could into the darkness. Ow, you hurt my ears, the voice yelled . She began to cry. Caine you bastard, why, why did you sacrificed yourself, you left me. Nah, I didn't leave you I'm just not with you,at least I'm not in hell rotting, Caine answered. She laughed and she cried. You idiot ,you did leave me . I'm going to kill you. How are you still alive? Diana asked. I don't know, I don't even think I'm alive I can't feel anything. Then how come I'm talking to you? Diana asked. I don't know, damn I'm fading, I keep fading in and out. No!!!! Don't you dare leave me Caine, I swear I will kill you if you leave me, Diana said still crying. I can't control it!!!! Caine answered obviously frustrated. I'm fading, and in case I don't get to hear your voice again, I just want you to know I love you I've always had, Caine said. Diana started sobbing when she felt something touch her; almost like a hug. Bye, Caine said then he disappeared.

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