Chapter 34

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After Sam had cleaned the restroom, he had messed with Astrid by pretending to get cut by the mirror. He'd yell until Astrid came rushing to his aid. He laughed as she realized that he was lying, then she'd punched him. He roared with laughter, as she had a big tantrum kicking and yelling, and trying to stabb Sam with a toothbrush. He grinned as he grabbed her into a hug to calm her down. She had clawed him and punched him so that he would let go. He didn't. Instead, he carried her to the small sofa that they had in the room. She kicked and struggled against him as he chuckled. He set her down on the sofa and said he wouldn't let go, until she promised not to be mad. She promised, but as soon as he let her go, she pounced on him and punched him. He sighed and grabbed her hands, then stared at her. Her cheeks were flushed with anger, and her hair had gotten loose from her bun. A loose strand now hanged in her face. Sam pushed the lonely strand behind her ear. Her features softened; her eyes held less authority. He pushed her toward him and kissed her softly. She kissed him back, as she made small stabbing motions toward Sam. He laughed against her lips then kissed her more forcefully. He felt her hands move from his chest, to the bottom of his shirt. She yanked his blue shirt off. He grinned as he took off her shirt as well. Astrid's hands were traveling towards Sam's jeans, when a tall black haired figure barged into their room.

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