Chapter 26

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Diana groaned as the sun's rays passed through the windows, illuminating the room in brilliant white, gold rays. She rolled off the bed and closed the curtains. She smiled, as she laid back on her bed. She can now contact Caine by sleeping! Now she didn't have to get knocked out every single time. She now wanted to go to sleep, but was hungry, like really hungry. She now realized that she hasn't eaten anything since yesterday morning. She decided to go to her room, and change. She padded down the hallway,  got to her room unnoticed and took a long hot shower. She then went to her closet and selected a baby blue silk shirt and some blue jeans with some sandals. She then brushed her messy brown hair and straightened it. While doing all of this, she remembered her sleep. The feeling of being in Caine's strong arms again. His soft lips running over hers. Then she smiled as she remembered how those soft lips, had called her some rude, and cruel names. She shook her head, and thought to herself, I've got to get a grip, I won't be able to concentrate while thinking of Caine all the freaking time! She finished dressing up, grabbed her keys and drove to a nearby Whataburger.

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