Chapter 12

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Diana was watching Sam and Quinn greet, when she heard her name  - Diana. She knew that voice. She has never forgotten it. It could only be Caine's voice, but how? It isn't possible? Or is it? Yes it was his voice, she knew, she was positive it was his. That could only mean one thing he was alive! Caine was alive! She didn't care if anyone saw her, when she heard her name being spoken by him, she cried. She didn't care. She cried and she cried and then she swayed. She was dizzy. Yet the tears wouldn't stop. Even when she heard Sam's voice in the distance. Even when she felt herself falling. Still the tears dripped down her cheeks,  toward her chin where they then fell toward their fate, the ground. She was still crying when she felt strong arms going under her. She cried and cried. Nothing mattered anymore,  the only thing that mattered was that her king was still alive.

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