Chapter 60

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Caine barged through and found himself in a rather welcoming room. There was a balcony, which allowed the sloshing sounds of the ocean waves to envelope the room. There were two beds, each medium sized. Across from the beds rested two bathrooms and a walk-in closet. There was a small kitchen and a much bigger living room. Diana whistled behind him. "This is a nice hotel. I wonder how much it cost." Caine grinned and answered, "Don't know, but I have a feeling my brother won't like it very much." Diana laughed, and walked towards the balcony. Caine smiled ruefully as he watched her. She looked majestic. The sun was starting to set in the horizon, which illuminated Diana's soft olive colored skin with a numerous amount of gold, red, and orange hues. Her perfectly,  curled hair, bounced and twirled around her shoulders, like as if little snakes were springing and tickling her bare shoulders. Her midnight colored eyes, seemed distant, almost as if she was scanning the horizon searching for something that wasn't there, when, in reality, she was actually deep in thought. Her long lashes curled, ever so slightly upward, catching the red and gold light of the sun. Her flowing red dress billowed around her long legs, like a pool of dark blood,which made Caine conjure up the image of an angel. An angel who had fallen and was sorrowful. An angel who begged for redemption each and every single day. Caine frowned and suddenly felt melancholy, as if Diana's sadness was a contagious virus, which he had suddenly caught. He walked over to Diana and gave her a hug. Her mouth formed a little "o", which was caused by Caine's sudden act of affection. They stood there for a long time,  just holding on to each other, unwilling to let go, until Caine finally pulled away. He then seemed to retrieve a shiny item from his pocket. Diana stared at Caine as he silently, turned her around and clasped a necklace on her neck. Diana held the necklace in her palm and examined it closely. It was shaped like an angel, who seemed to be holding a small heart. "It says something inside," Caine muttered, placing his hands in his pockets. Diana opened the necklace and was surprised to see small letters etched inside. It read,"I love you. I'd go through heaven and hell just to let you know that I love you, my angel. You now own my heart, my love, and my soul. I shall forever love you, angel." Diana read it again and again, like when she read Caine's note the day that he died. Small tears appeared in the corners of her eyes and soon trickled down her cheeks, towards her chin. She looked up at him, her vision blurring by the second. He seemed almost ashamed and embarrassed, but he also seemed serious, like he meant it. He noticed her staring at him, so he quickly looked downward at his shoes. She smiled and closed the necklace. "So I guess I own you now," Diana said, while smirking. Caine shrugged and took her perfect little face in his hands. "You do. Everything it said was true. As much as it ruins my kingly reputation, I will say this; I love you, Diana. Doesn't matter where we are, I will forever love you," Caine stated staring straight into her eyes. "That's probably the only time I'll ever say that, so don't get used to it. Oh and happy birthday," Caine added, then leaned down and kissed Diana. She sighed against him, as she lead him towards the bed. His lips slowly traveled down her neck, until she felt him grin against her sternum. She then smiled as she let him take her away.

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