Chapter 9

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Diana got out of the car and followed Sam and Astrid, who were heading towards IHOP. She glared at Sam as he held the door open for Astrid and her to pass. She wasn't really mad at Sam, but was actually sad. She just glared at him to make him feel guilty. She followed Astrid to a booth that was farthest from the counter. Diana sat and sighed. She was just so tired of being without Caine, she just wanted someone to blame. And Sam was a perfect candidate. The waiter came and took their orders. Diana wasn't hungry,  which was a first since the FAYZ, but she ordered eggs and pancakes anyway. After the waiter left, Astrid excused herself to go to the restroom. Which left Sam and Diana alone, once again. Diana grinned. "So......... Sam I have a question to ask you." Sam's jaw tightened. "Have you ever thought how it would be like if you died instead of Caine?" "Have you ever felt, hum what's the word.......... guilty? "  Sam just stared at her, hard. Diana laughed. "It seems like you do feel guilt Sam but answer this, would you, if you had the chance, give up your life for your brother's?" Sam just kept staring. "Answer me Sam, would you?" Diana pressed. Sam finally looked down at his own hands. Diana was about to grab Sam's hands and make him answer her question when Astrid returned to the table. Damn it, Diana thought, she ruined my chance. Sam sighed, relieved, as Astrid took her seat next to him. Not soon after that, the waiter came with their food. While Astrid wasn't looking,  Diana shot Sam a look that said, this isn't over yet. Sam just tightened his jaw, as if he was thinking of a way to avoid Diana completely. Once they finished,  they got back in Sam's car and decided to go to the beach to visit Quinn.

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