Chapter 45

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Caine and Diana slowly crept out of the room to see who was in the living room. They found Sam watching a very gruesome horror movie. They stopped when Sam heard them and looked at them, his eyes narrowing with suspicion. "Hey, Surfer dude, shut the hell up! We were in the middle of something,  when we heard your loud ass, watching a stupid movie!" Caine yelled at Sam. Sam just smirked and said,"I'm afraid I can't do that, David." Confusion invaded Caine's face. "David? Who the hell is David?"Caine asked puzzled. Sam grinned and teased,"You. You're David, David Temple, my dear old brother." Sam laughed as Caine's face paled. Diana squeezed Caine's arm. After forty seconds, Caine seemed to compose himself, and grinned and stood right in front of Sam. "To hell with you, surfer dude," Caine muttered. "David.........hmmmm," Caine began, chewing his thumbnail. "Not bad, King David........ Nah, I think I'll stick with King Caine." Caine said, to no one in general, coming to a conclusion. Sam sighed. He honestly kinda hoped Caine would be provoked. Instead, his brother seemed stronger than ever. "Hey, Sam, how is Caine's name David?" Diana asked, letting go of Caine's arm. Sam shrugged and said nonchalantly,"My mom," he began then stared at Caine,"I mean,Our mom, told me that she named Caine, David, but his foster parents named him Caine." Caine sighed and leaned against the wall, still chewing on his thumb. Diana's eyes kept shifting to look at Caine. She actually seemed worried. Sam was shocked, but Diana, beign Diana, focused instead on trying to provoke him. "So........where's blondy?" She asked. "Sleeping, why?" Sam answered, a frown taking residence on his face. "Aw how cute. Going to wake up sleeping beauty with a kiss?" Diana smirked. "I wish I could take her place," Diana purred, all the while enjoying how Sam began to blush. Caine, who was quiet throughout the entire conversation, grinned wickedly as he noticed Sam's awkwardness. Caine laughed, as Sam, his face scarlet, walked down the hall towards his room. "Hey! Once you kiss blondy, I'm next!" Diana exclaimed, over Caine's now loud laughter that seem to haunt Sam as he walked to his room. As soon as Sam's hand was on the knob, he heard Caine's comment," 'And they lived happily ever after' hell!" This comment was followed by some obnoxious loud cackling created by Caine and Diana, who were cracking up at their own little jokes. "Ha, ha You guys are so hilarious I almost peed my pants. You should do stand up," Sam said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. This caused another wave of laughter. Sam sighed and entered his room.

Outside the FAYZजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें