Chapter 6

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Sam deciding to go check on Astrid, trotted back up to his bedroom. When he got there, he could hear the faint sound of the shower running, so he sat at the edge of his bed and was quickly lost in his thoughts. What if I died instead of Caine? Would Astrid cry every day like Diana? Or would she get over my death?, Sam thought. He also thought, Would Caine feel guilty if I died, but he quickly erased that thought, for Caine wouldn't give a rat's ass if he died. He was so lost in his thoughts, that he didn't notice Astrid coming toward him and giving him a hug. "Had a good night sleep?" She asked. "Yeah, I guess," Sam responded. She frowned.  She knew he was lying but she let it pass by. "Hey want to eat breakfast?" Sam said. "Let me change first,"Astrid said. Sam just now got a good look at her. Her hair was in a bun, and all she was wearing was a towel. Sam's previous thoughts vanished and were replaced by very, VERY different thoughts. She noticed him staring. "Turn around, Sam, I can read your every little thought on your face and right now you look like a rapist,"Astrid said. Sam smiled and made a big show turning around. He tried to sneak a glance but Astrid ended up catching him in the act. He gave up and stared at the clock, which was very boring. "Done!" Astrid exclaimed. Sam instantly turned around and said," You look nice." He realized he was staring again and so did Astrid. "Really Sam you have to stop, now let's go get breakfast" she said and walked out the door leaving Sam hurrying to catch up.

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