Chapter 51

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Sam briskly walked toward the living room, fuming along the way. Once he reached the room, Astrid slapped him. Sam reared back shocked, holding his now scarlet cheek. "Calm down, Sam! You almost ruined the plan. Stick to what I told you! Now once you've calm down, it's your job to make him feel relaxed. Once you've accomplished this task, we'll attack." Astrid chided. Sam sighed to contain composure, then sat on the sofa. Astrid muttered, "Are you finished, with your childish tirade? Or should I wait?" Sam frowned and snapped,"Hey Caine can piss the hell out of anyone. It's hard to make him feel relaxed, when he disses everybody." Astrid laughed and nodded with agreement. She then moved to give Sam a quick kiss, then said,"You'll be okay. Now go finish the plan." She pointed down the hall towards Caine's new room. Sam gave Astrid one last kiss, then crossed himself. Astrid rolled her eyes and laughed, as Sam walked down the hall muttering a small prayer under his breath. Sam reached the room and softly rapped on the door with his knuckles. He heard someone curse and a few seconds later, the door opened slightly, and Caine's face appeared. "What is it that you want, my brother?" Caine asked sarcastically. "Oh I just........," Sam just realized he didn't have an excuse. Caine seemed to grow more and more impatient by the second. "If you don't need anything, go fuck off, brother," Caine muttered, as he began to shut the door. Sam, acting on impulse, stopped Caine, by pushing the door wide open. Diana lay on the king sized bed, her face flushed from extersion, and her clothes strewn all about the room. Caine was shirtless, which was why Sam was inkling that this was the reason why Caine peered only his head out. Sam cheeks grew red as he turned his face away from them, and whispered,"I needed to tell you sometin, Caine." He practically felt Caine's anger rolling off him, like a storm cackling and booming with thunder in the distance. The kind of storm that you know for sure it's going to cause hell. Diana glared at Sam and pulled the bed sheets tighter. Caine stepped right in front of Sam, so that they stood inches apart. Sam stared straight at Caine's eyes, which was a mistake. Caine's eyes were a blazing, furious brown. "You sick bastard, you have three seconds to get the hell out of my room, before I beat the living shit out of you," he threatened. Sam tightened his jaw, and said a quick,"Sorry," to Diana then pushed past Caine, to the hallway.

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