Chapter 52

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Caine let out a breath, as he closed the door and leaned against it. He ran his hands through his hair, an act which caused Diana to stare. Caine gave her a wry smile then jumped into the bed beside her. "So........, that was uncalled for," Diana said, breaking the eternal silence. "Yeah, it was." Caine paused,"Damn him, damn him to hell!" Caine muttered ferociously, his knuckles turning white, as his fingers squeezed the life out of the sheets. Diana smirked and gave Caine a sideways look. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Caine asked, still steaming. Diana shook her head, which caused her hair to shift around her face, like a soft, long curtain flowing in the breeze,and answered,"It's just weird how you can say the nicest, most beautiful thing in the world, then hate someone so badly. It's like murdering someone, then saying,'So what's for breakfast?'." Caine laughed, then softly held Diana's long hair in his hands. "Your hair is so soft," Caine whispered. She stared at him and grinned. "Yes, cause holding someone's hair like a weirdo is so romantic, " Diana said. Caine shrugged and let go of Diana's soft dark hair, and began to chew on his thumbnail. Diana sighed and yanked his hand out of his mouth. "Hey!" Caine protested. "Quit that! What are you so worried about? You've been chewing on your nail all day long. What's on your mind?" Caine sighed and said,"Don't worry about it." Diana frowned and snapped, "Fine don't tell me, but I guess you'll just have to sleep all by yourself." Caine sighed then said, "Fine!" Then, when Diana was getting back into bed, he muttered, "Stupid witch." Diana glared at him, and insisted that he talk. "Fine, I was thinking..........," he began, then stopped. "Go on," Diana urged him on. "Not unless I get a reward first," Caine stated, his voice full of promise as he scooted closer to Diana. "No that's not fair, Caine," she said. Caine shrugged and offered,"Fine I'll tell you, right after I do this......" Caine then lifted Diana, so that she loomed just centimeters away from his face. She felt his breath on her neck as he closed the few centimeters. She can feel him grinning against her lips. She smiled as he played with her hair. He looked silly, childish, like a little baby who plays with their moms hair, as the moms carry the babies. She giggled and pushed him closer.

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