Chapter 49

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Sam walked down the hall, escorting Caine to his new bedroom. Sam grinned, as he went over Astrid's plan in his head. "So....." Sam began,"Here's your room!" Sam exclaimed, while dramatically sweeping his arm showing the room, as if was a grandiose prize. Caine shrugged and criticized, "Eh.... it's okay. Not what I imagined you would give your King, but it's formidable." Sam frowned and looked at his brother, who was currently leaning against the wall, his long legs crossed, chewing on his thumbnail. Caine still looked like plain old, hellish Caine. He still had "dark as night hair" and was still taller than Sam. This bothered Sam very much. How the hell is he taller than me, if I'm older?, one part of Sam thought. Unfortunately his other part, his pessimistic part, thought, yeah older by three minutes, oh shit such a big difference Sam. Sam sighed and was surprised to see Caine still deep in thought. Sam snapped his fingers in front of Caine's face, knocking him out of his thoughts. "What the.....?" Caine exclaimed, frazzled. Caine shook his head, as if ridding himself of the cobwebs that contained his thoughts. Sam laughed and said, "What you thinking about? Are you thinking of how hot Diana looks?" Caine looked up at Sam and said, "Oh please, go fuck Astrid, you know you want to." Caine laughed maliciously as Sam's hands curled into fists. Sam felt anger slowly trickling through his veins, like a drug that was making him lose control. Sam was about to retort some very rude statement, when Astrid and Diana strolled into the room.

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