⚠️save me/i'm fine - yoonkook

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yoongi looked away, with anger visible in his dark eyes. he scoffed and rolled his eyes. "right. you're not ready - of course you're not ready."

"hyung please, it's not b-because of you!"

"fucking save it jungkook. just go away, i don't want to see you right now."

jungkook froze. tears gathered in his eyes as he looked away from yoongi.

jungkook stood up, and before yoongi could apologise and beg him to stay - he dashed into the toilet and locked the door.

look what you've done.
now even yoongi hates you.
there's not point in you being here anymore jungkook.
no one wants you here, everyone would be much happier if you were


now pick up your razor like a good little boy.



twelve cuts.

twelve cuts were made that night.

across his stomach, thighs and chest.

it's only a matter of time til people notice.

people are already saying

"why don't you lift your shirt up anymore?"

"why don't you get changed in the same room as us anymore?"

"why don't you wear those really shorts shorts to bed anymore baby?"

too much.

he placed plasters (band aids) over his cuts, to stop the blood leaking through his clothes during the day, he still hadn't spoke to yoongi yet . he head him crying last night - he heard jimin comforting him too. maybe they kissed. maybe they had sex. maybe they're boyfriends now and jungkook is just old news.


he woke up on the bathroom floor to a knock from jin.

"kookie - kookie! are you okay?"

"mmm fine, just fell over"

"okay well, we have to leave in ten minutes, get dressed."


"hello boys! glad to hear that you're all well"

kind of

"it's time for your bi-yearly check ups, so this time we're gonna go youngest first. jeon jungkook, up you get"

it was going fine, he was pretty healthy (physically) so he was getting by with no issues.


"alright jungkook, just one final check. usually we don't do this but we will be doing this with everyone today."

"prostate exam"

"so, if you don't mind - can you slip your sweatpants and boxers off, it won't take long"

"uh, c-can they u-h l-leave?" jungkook said, pointing at his six hyungs who were sat staring at him.

everyone got up and awkwardly shuffled out the room.

except yoongi.

"i'll stay, i'm his boyfriend." it was the first thing he's heard yoongi say since the argument - at least they're still boyfriends right?

all jungkook wanted to do was say no.bur he couldn't protest. there was absolutely nothing he could say to make yoongi leave. things were already rocky between the two and he can't afford to lose the one thing keeping him alive.

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