~Cold case~ {Hastings x Poirot}

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Another ship no one knows ayyyy. I got super obsessed with these two, the books are amazing and I'm trying to find out how to watch the show but yea! So I don't how different they are but this is based on the book version of the two!

This one is pretty short and sweet and I hope to have the next one out soon!

Hastings shivered as a large gust of wind blew over him. Poirot looked over at him, continuing the walk around the park with his husband, "Cold mon amour?" Hasting's was caught slightly off guard, "Oh! Just a bit, it seems I misplaced my scarf." "And we left without asking for aid to find it? Non bein," the little man shock his head and preceded to start taking off his scarf.

"I didn't think it to be this cold," Hastings defensively retorted. "Ah, my poor Hastings, always expecting the best and getting the worst," Poirot hooked the scarf around the taller man's neck and tied it loosely. "Thank you, dear," Hastings said, quite pleased with the already warm scarf covering and warming him up.

Hastings looked to Poirot and they gazed into each other's eyes, Poirot's hand still holding the tail of the scarf. "Kiss me" was Hastings only thought as he leaned forward a bit to indicate what he wanted, no one was around, this scarf smelt comforting, and Poirot's eyes sparkled green enchanting Hastings as he continued to gaze.

The detective pulled away with a smirk, "Let us proceed." Hastings sighed lightly, "Right." They were about to continue walking when he was stopped, "Oh! Apologies mon amour, I did not set the tie straight, allow me." Sighing with a bit of agitation this time Hastings stood as he had many times before to let his husband readjust anything in particular to his liking. But that's not at all what Poirot was going to do.

He grasped the tail of the scarf where he had previously had a hold on it and quickly pulled his beloved Hastings into a loving kiss. They soon pulled away, Hastings was beaming, he took hold of Poirot's hand and they continued their walk.

Book of random ships and one shotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang