~Shopping spree...of the heart~ {Samanda}

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There is not much to say about this one besides enjoy! It's super short and pretty sweet so ye
Sam wasn't the biggest fan of shopping or the mall in general. Bad memories. But having a girlfriend that practically breathed only the air of the crappy food court food he would be forced to come every now and then, and there was no way in hell he was going to say no.

He was currently holding about 5 bags in each arm and was slightly struggling as they wandered through yet another make-up store. "What one looks better?" Amanda asked as she held up a bottle of dark purple lipstick than a bottle of blueish green. Sam examined the products with a disgusted look, "Neither, you look best in pinks, and can we hurry up these bags are getting heavy," he complained and shifted them around in his hands.

Amanda quickly picked a dark pink and showed it to Sam who swiftly nodded. They made their way out of the store and Amanda helped Sam load all her bags into the back. When they finished Amanda went to open the car door but Sam stopped her by gently placing his hand on hers when she reached for the handle.

"What?" She asked and looked up at him. He dug around in his pocket a bit, "I got you something, I know it's not big but I thought it would look good on you," he pulled out a plastic, beaded bracelet that had small charm in the shape of a heart.

It was cheesy and dumb and probably a dollar but Amanda loved it and happily slipped it on. "Thanks, Sam, I love it!" She cheered and pulled the boy in for a hug and kiss. They drove home, both unbelievably happy. No amount of bags of nice new things could compare the cheap plastic bracelet Amanda got from her boyfriend.

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