~Two is a party~ {Jarchie}

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Yes I still ship them, no I haven't watched pass season 1, fight me (ง ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)ง
Tomorrow was Jughead's birthday so Archie had planned a little something for his boyfriend. Archie led his now blindfolded boyfriend slowly out the back door into the backyard. Once they arrived Archie removed the blindfold to reveal a moodily lit backyard with a small table full of Jughead's favourite foods. To Jughead's surprise, no one jumped out and yelled "surprise!"

He turned to his boyfriend confused, "Where is everyone?" Archie smiled and took Jughead's hand leading him more into the backyard, "I didn't invite anyone to this, I know you don't like crowds so I thought it could just be us. Tomorrow we have another party with Betty and Veronica and family and whatever but tonight I thought you'd like to be just the two of us?" Archie scratched the back of his neck nervously.

Jughead placed his hand on his boyfriend's shoulder and pulled him in for a soft kiss, "It's perfect. Thank you." The rest of the night consisted of laughs, slow dancing, and lots of eating.

"Best birthday ever," Jughead as he laid his on Archie's shoulder both swaying to the music.

Book of random ships and one shotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن