~Taking a peek~ {Pewdiecry}

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This ship is probably a little bit more known but pretty old but these two have a special place in my heart uwu.
Felix and Cry were looking through some old mail when Cry tore open one package and happened upon a mould of his avatars mask. He chuckled lightly at it, he had reserved many of these over the years but this one was interesting. It was the regular board expression it usually had but also with thick pink lines of the cheeks to signify a blush, it was also pretty sturdy and had an adjustable strap attached to it, the one dark curl was even smooth looking but still stable.

He slipped the mask on and called over to Felix "Hey Pewds, check this out," the now masked man turned to his partner who was reading some flyers. The blonde looked up and jumped a little at the sight of the expressionless face but chuckled afterwards, "Goddammit Cry." He put down the flyers and stared at the mask, "Oh Cry, are you blushing?" Felix joked, touching the marks on the mask and dramatically pulled back to hide his face in his hands, "I never knew you felt that way about me Cry senpai!" Cry and him both laughed.

"I f-feel the s-same way Cry-san," Felix fake stuttered. Cry continued to laugh at the stupid joke when he felt something bump his mask and make a slight smack sound, he knew exactly what that was. He blushed hard under the mask and heard a long hum come from Felix. He felt the mask lift slightly only to reveal his mouth and was quickly met with a soft pair of lips. After a few seconds they pulled away "Much better," Felix mumbled and went back to flipping through flyers with a flustered Cry.

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