~" I'm Minecraft breaking up with you!"~ {Zelkm x Mega}

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Wow! Another ship that doesn't exist! Oh well, I mostly write these for myself anyway lol

"I'm minecraft breaking up with you!" Mega typed into the staff chat of the Invadedlands server. Zelkm laughed but typed back "Babe don't do this :( ", Mega didn't respond. Zelkm had been trolling his boyfriend which just resulted in him /killing him a bunch until it was obvious Mega had had enough.

After 5 minutes of no response, Zelkm typed again, "Let me make it up to you", a quick response that time "how?". Zelkm went to the survival server and began to build a small cabin. Inside the cabin was one off centre brown bed and a fireplace off to the side. Outside the cabin, he wrote a bunch of signs, tped Mega to him and immediately tossed a green bed at him.

Mega read the signs, "im sorry I trolled you, that wasn't very epic of me :(
If you can find it in your heart to forgive me please place your minecraft bed next to mine <3"

Mega's avatar looked at Zelkm's for a moment and Zelkm shifted, then Mega walked inside the small cabin and placed the green bed beside the brown and jumped on top of it.

"Ily <3" Zelkm sent

"You too" Mega sent back

"Can you two actually get some work done?" Skeppy then typed in staff chat

Megapvp banned Skeppy for "shut"
Zelkm banned Skeppy for "shoo"

True love.

Book of random ships and one shotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن