❃| House of Cards ♠️ mini chapter

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And to hear that his group was now going to be ran by his grandson insulted the man.

Taeyong was an abomination to him. He was just a kid. A half breed.

Which he saw as a great insult to the syndicate world. And he wasn't afraid to speak his mind.

"We respected your grandfather. He was a strong leader. And now we're expected to trust his grandson?!" Kyosuke spat out angrily.

Yura reached for his gun before Taeyong stopped him.

With a peaceful expression on his face, he let the man continue his ranting.

"Not only is he unfit to lead the Honda Dynasty but he is nothing but a mutt with no knowledge of this business!"

"Have some damn respect, Kyosuke!" Mr. Hanzo exclaimed angrily. "You are talking to Hidetashi's successor and you will have-"

"No, no." Taeyong interrupted, lifting a hand. "Just like you all, he has his concerns and opinions, let him voice them."

Kyosuke scoffed, he didn't need this brat leading the biggest Yakuza in Japan to the dirt. And he didn't need his charity.

"I've stated my peace, leader. " he snarled. "You can keep your alliance. My group doesn't need anything from this half breed."

With a few seconds of silence, he let the tension build in the room. It built so much that anyone could cut it with a knife.

For what it seemed like a long time, Taeyong stood up from his chair and began walking towards him in a relaxed manner.

"Thank you for your opinion and concerns, Kyosuke." He said kindly.

"I always welcome the opportunity to argue on why a certain topic is unsettling to anyone, me included."

Standing behind him, Taeyong smiled softly, placing his hands on his shoulders. An action that shocked Kyosuke.

Everyone seemingly held their breaths, wondering what he was going to do to him. They wanted to see if he was just as ruthless as his grandfather was.

"Now, let me show you why I think your argument is wrong."

Swiftly, he yanked Kyosukes head back by his grey hair, causing him to yell out in pain.

With his other hand, Taeyong pulled out a machete and began violently sawing his neck open.

Blood splashed everywhere. On the table, on Taeyongs face and on Mr. Takanomori, who sat beside him.

Kyosukes screams drowned out by his blood gurgling up his now open throat.

With one last cut, his head was decapitated. His body fell onto the glass table, blood spilling continuously onto the surface.

The action struck fear into everyone's hearts. Well, everyone that sat at the table.

Everyone quickly learned that Taeyong wasn't as ruthless as his grandfather.

He was worse.

Taeyong watched the blood spray all over the table before talking back to the head of the table. With Kyosukes head in his hand.

He stood in front of every yakuza boss and began smiling just as friendly as he had before.

"Now, I'm going to speak of this only one time, so please listen carefully." He said, as if he was having friendly conversation.

" I cannot be a good leader if I don't know anyone else's concerns or opinions. Come and talk to me if you think my plan of action is skeptical and I promise you, I will try my best into convincing you other wise."

This kid was talking to them like he didn't just cut someone's head off a couple of seconds ago.

The smile on his face painted a way different picture from his actions.

"My grandfather believed in working with honor and respect and I intend on keeping that mantra. So please, you can come to me for anything. No topic is taboo except the one that was just discussed."

Taeyong's voice became more serious than kind as he looked at each and everyone of their shocked faces.

"If anyone has something to say about my heritage, I'll collect your fucking head."

He said it so calmly, it struck a nerve in everyone's bodies.

"Like this old bitch." Taeyong growled, lifting the severed head to present ro everyone.


When he was met with nothing but silent for 30 seconds, Taeyong spoke again.

"I didn't think so." He mumbled, tossing the bloodly head onto the table.

The head rolled to the middle and stopped right in front of its body. Splashing in the pool of blood around it.

Sighing, Taeyong sat back down, folding his blood covered hands on the table.

With a kind smile, he said. "Now, let's begin, shall we?"

- a u t h o r s n o t e

This is how taeyong became the youngest and most feared Yakuza boss in this generation

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I love you all

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