"Jimin.", I put on my jacket and grabbed the keys.

"And who the fuck gave you permission to do that?", he glared at me.

"Come on Kook. He already knows us."

"And let's rewind. Why does he know us? Because you brought him here.", Jin interrupted and rolled his eyes.

"Yoongi, you're putting us all at risk.", Jungkook lectured.


"People could see him. And think he's a weakness. They kill weaknesses."

"Well, he's not. I'm just inviting him over. Just a quickie, and then I'll bring him back."

"So you're gonna fuck him and bring him home?", Hoseok raised his eyebrow and sipped his sprite.

"Yeah.", I shrugged.

"God, Yoongi. Look, if he messes up anything, i'm beating you and him. Got it?", Jungkook rubbed his forehead.

"Yes. Boss.", I opened the door and headed to Jimin's apartment.


"Hey.", he got in and I smirked at him.

"Sup.", I pumped the pedal and headed to my house.

He didn't say anything after that.

"since when are you so quiet.", I teased.

"I'm not quiet."

"Pfft. Are you shy then?"

"No! A person like me? Shy? Please."

"There he is."


"That sassiness. It's back."

He shook his head and looked out the window.

"So, that dude. Taehyung? He still crying?"

"Yeah. Who wouldn't cry? He just found out his mom got killed."

"People die. It's not anything new.", I shrugged.

"But this is his mother. The one who gave birth to him? Do you not have a mother?", he looked at me.

"Doesn't fucking matter. You don't need to know that. Like I said, people die. You'll get used to it."

"Wow.", he stared at me.

Eventually, we pulled up and got out of the car.

Jimin's P.O.V

I'm back. Here. Again.

We walked inside and I saw those boys again.

Do I remember their names? Nope.

I saw Jeon sitting on the couch next to some boy who had dimples.

"You're back.", the dimple one said.

"Yeah.", I nodded.

"Remember what I said Yoongi.", Jungkook looked at him.

"yeah yeah." he waved him off.

The rest of the boys stared at me, but didn't say anything.

"Ok. I know you guys are in the mafia and shit. But can I at least know your names? I don't like strangers staring at me.", I crossed my arms.

"And why should we tell you?", one of them said.

"I don't know. Just cause."

"Alright. Fine."

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