Chapter 1 The Waxing

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Luna POV:

Everything outside was dark for miles & miles away, glistening lights surrounding my father's kingdom. The one thing that often captures my attention is the luminous moon that lits up our dark sky. If you're wondering who I am? My name is Luna and yes, I am a princess. You can say I'm not an ordinary girl. I'm nineteen and I've never been to Earth's realm. I know weird! I've lived in a realm above the clouds beyond the stars. Where the sun rays don't shine throughout my father's kingdom Tenebris Caelum.

I'm the oldest and the only girl of my siblings. I have two younger brothers Zalco and Erebus the youngest.

Luna: Oldest

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Luna: Oldest

-Age: Nineteen

-Eye Color: Light crystal blue

-Hair type/ Color: Wavy/Dark Brown

-Skin Color: Pale (Obviously no sun!)

-Height: 5'4

-Size foot: Seven

-Favorite Food: Chocolate!

-Hobbies: Reading (Mostly Earths culture, & young adult books.) Making pastries, pianophile, smelling white lilies, gazing at the moon.

-Power Ability: N/A

Zalco: Middle

-Age: Fourteen

-Eyes: Olive green with a gold iris

-Hair/Color: Wavy/Raven Black

-Skin: Pale

-Height: 5'9

-Size Foot: Eleven

-Favorite Food: Ceviche (Father brought a recipe from Earth)

Hobbies: Sword Training, Skating (A flat piece of wood attached to four wheels father also brought from Earth.), Drawing figures of monsters.

Power Ability: Divine Lightning

Erebus: Youngest

-Age: Five

-Eyes: Navy Blue

-Hair/Color: Straight/Raven Black

-Height: 3'5

-Hobbies: Pranking our Servants, Playing with his toys, taunting his siblings.

-Favorite Food: Pizza

-Power Ability: Gravity

Sadly, I am the only one in my family who doesn't have an ability. Although I'll be attending an academy on Earth. That has to do with abilities. I'm just glad I get to go to earth just like the books I've had read. i began to pack my luggage, suddenly I heard the sound of my fathers footsteps fille the emptiness of my bedroom. I glance up to find him wearing his casual clothes not his usual king status apparel (which his usual silver attire.)
"I'm almost finished dad," I said while I was attempting to close my luggage.
"Have Rose finish the rest of your luggage's," Dad said. Rose is my handmaiden. She's helped me through my night terrors, as well as making sure I was doing my studies and eating healthy. Basically, my second mom. My mother, on the other hand, is a badass for a queen.
"Luna?" My father said while waving his hand over my face.
"If you keep dosing off you won't get anything done." My father said while closing my luggage.
"Are you sure you're ready?" I look up to my father's worried eyes.
"Dad I need to experience Earth for myself. Plus this academy will help me and become a better ruler for our kingdom. I am the next heir you know."

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