Chapter 45 The New Luna

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Solis: Luna!

(Suddenly his eyes shot open, he was covered in sweat and breathing heavenly. Sitting on his bed he glared around the dark grey room he let out a breath of relief. )

Solis: It was a dream. It wasn't real.

(Solis threw the white light blanket aside as he pass by his mirror he notice something strange on the right of his lower abdomen was a gauze patch up. He lifts the gauze as he was disgusted by the black infected wound.)

Alphard: Horrible isn't it.

Solis:  What happen?

(He glares at Alphard medical kit.)

Alphard: Well like an idiot you went to look for Luna. And you told her that you were engage. Luna was heartbroken and now is the demonic goddess and attack you.

Solis: So it wasn't a dream.

(Solis rub his head thinking hard about the situation.)

Solis: Ow!

(He groans as he glares at Alphard applying a plant remedy to the black wound.)

Alphard: Sorry but your wound is poison.  If we weren't there you and Siana wouldn't make it out of there alive.

Solis: Where's Siana?

Alphard:  She's fine. She's in her room resting.

(Solis glares at his infected wound.)

Solis: What have I done?

(Sirius walks in the room.)

Sirius: Get dress we have class in an hour. You should get something to eat your highness.

(Sirius leaves the room until he glance at Solis sword place on the wall in his room.)

Solis: I'm sorry

Sirius: We could have saved her. But you are going to do the toughest thing in your life.

Solis: I know I can get her back.


(An hour later in Professor Deimos classroom, Solis was seating at his desk until two girls were standing in front of him.)

Estrella: We have a plan.

(She glares at him.)

Europa: Dione is at Tenebris searching for an element that can save Luna.

Solis: We might have a slight problem.

Estrella: What do you mean?

(Before Solis answer them he was interrupted the room grew quietly when the dark giant oak doors swung open.  As each tormentor came through, all the students were astonish as new Luna came through the doors. Luna grinning as she strolls to Professor Deimos pedestal.)

Luna: You guys like my new look.

(Luna twirls as her skirt gently flares in the air, showing her black lace thigh socks that went along black knee high boots. She giggles she felt invincible of her new change. Solis eyes darted at Elmert as Elmert smirks back at Solis. Elmert mouth the words to Solis. )

Elmert: She's mine.

(Solis clenches his fist. His eyes narrow back at Luna. As he found her evil grin still on her face glaring at him.  She jumps on the pedestal  as she sit folding her left leg on top of her right sitting directly where she could see Solis and her friends. )

Luna: I want to discuss with all of you here before the professor comes.

(The room filled with silent and had everyone's attention.)

Luna: This coming month you will be welcome to hell. For the first time in this academy there will be war. You have a choice to join our army of tormentors, but if you choose the wrong side blood will be spilled.

(The frighten students were horrify and furious. As they try to revolt, Luna took out her black crescent bow releasing her blades. The classroom was dead silent. )

Luna: After the war I will be queen and you will all obey me.

(Luna eyes darted Solis. She immediately flew across the room pointing her blades against Solis throat. She leans forward as she kisses him on the cheek as she whispers to his ear. )

Luna: Be ready because today I declare war on you.

End of book one

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