Tanjiro x Learning Reader

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Hello all~! I know your Author-Sama isn't good at updating, I'm sorry, but can't promise any changes. Author-Sama is Author-Sama.

Your small hands gripped the blade of the katana, your eyes bright with a mix of anxiety and excitement as you waited for the blade to fill with the special hue that would give you what you wanted. Answers. Would you follow in your father's footsteps or would you move beyond him... Your eyes glimmered as the base of the blade slowly filled the colour you secretly longed for...

"Oi! [Y/N]!" your father's voice filled your ears, muffled after a night of sleep, "I made you breakfast." You felt your father's gentle hands pat your shoulder in a comforting motion above the cover of your futon. Your head was groggy, still just waking up after such a vivid dream. From your throat came a rough groan as you sat up with your arms outstretched in hopes of waking up your partially numb muscles.

"What is it..?" you cringed at the sound of your own rough morning voice compared to your father's, which sound rather smooth. You could only imagine the sight in front of your father.

"Rice omlets," The dark haired make replied with a chripy smile, "come out of bed before they get cold, it's a brisk day." He stood, towering above your hunched over frame as he prepared to leave the room, but not before extending a hand and helping you out from the warmth of your futon that rested underneath your now upright body.


Your father was already sitting at the table as you came into the room, now dressed and presentable. You lowered yourself so that you were in front of the table, cringing once again as your knees made a popping noise. You let the heat of your bowl travel to your chilled hands, your father was right, today was a brisk day, frost had probably made a thin layer over the grass, flowers and dead leaves. Snow would come soon, making you and your father's small journey possibly more difficult. For your and your father planned to climb a mountain as you had recently come of age to do you. Your father had said you were ready.
Unfinished :) have fun.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2020 ⏰

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