Chapter 26: Diy and Baker union

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Alex and Lauren along with Rosanna teamed for the next training session they'll teach the students. Aaron was the only one from team digimax this time. Shane looked at Aaron and came over. "Our second and final test, you ready?" Asked Shane. "Yeah let's do this" added Aaron. The duo walked on in. Alex, Lauren and Rosanna were ready. Aaron could see he was doing this with a baker student.

The arena soon lit up. "Sorry Aaron and Shane I hope you do well but fight hard Ro!" Exclaimed Matpat. "Whose side are you on?!" Exclaimed Shane. Rosanna giggled a bit. "He's on your side, he just is cheering me on because we kinda are like YouTube brother and sister" added Rosanna. "Well you two really know how to find what you have in common" added Alex. Rosanna shrugged a bit. "New challenger" the group called.

Alex, Lauren and Rosanna summoned their partners in. However Aaron seemed to notice Rosanna's persona partner looked a bit down. "Shane I think we need to talk to one of the opponents" added Aaron. He saw the words *"I agree, let me out "* appear on his wristband. " Rainbow Dawson game start " added Aaron summoning Shane's persona to the field. The fight soon started but Aaron was worried about Rosanna's partner. Even audience members were noticing it. Mat was thinking it over.

"Hey, you ok Hartattack?" Asked Rainbow Dawson. "I.. No I'm not" added Hartattack. They fought each other still. "What's wrong?" Asked Rainbow Dawson. "My sister is missing" added Hartattack. Rainbow Dawson gasped a bit. "Oh my god I'm sorry" he said. Aaron overheard and looked at his teammates in the audience.

Anika nodded in response and sent something to Nikita asking about information. In the digimax base Nikita received the message and nodded. "Safiya it seems we need to do some research" added Nikita. "What's going on?" Asked Safiya coming over. Nikita showed her the message and Safiya nodded a bit. "All right, guess we'll try to figure out what happened to Mamrie" added Safiya. The duo got to work. Nikita was hoping this wasn't a Shadowsteel cause.

Hidden close by to the arena though stood someone else in wait. *"you got Ryland locked away, think you can handle Dawson now? "* asked someone on communication via earpiece. "ꀤ ꅏꀤ꒒꒒ ꀸꍟꍏ꒒ ꅏꀤ꓄ꃅ ꃅꀤꎭ"(I will deal with him) responded the person before turning it off. The person caused a dark energy to form and trap everyone except Aaron and Rainbow Dawson. "What's happening?" Asked Aaron. Rainbow Dawson looked around before hearing someone coming over. "ꀤ ꀭꀎꌗ꓄ ꈤꍟꍟꀸꍟꀸ ꓄ꃅꍟꎭ ꂦꀎ꓄ ꂦꎇ ꓄ꃅꍟ ꅏꍏꌩ ꌗꂦ ꌩꂦꀎ'ꋪꍟ ꎭꌩ ꂦꈤ꒒ꌩ ꎇꂦꉓꀎꌗ"(I just needed them out of the way so you're my only focus) the person said before facing them. "Jeffree what the hell?!" Asked Rainbow Dawson seeing this dark version of Jeffree Star facing them.

"Wait this is the guy everyone assumed you're cheating on Ryland with?" Asked Aaron. "Not this corrupted Shadowsteel controlled version" added Shane pointing to the mark indicating Jeffree got brainwashed via injection like JP. "Sheesh he's got his own world there" added Aaron. "I won't tell him you said that" stated Rainbow Dawson. They faced him and Rainbow Dawson sighed. "Now I know why you disappeared this whole time, a hostage of king pewds" added Rainbow Dawson. "ꈤꂦ ꂦꈤꍟ ꒒ꀤꀘꍟꌗ ꎭꍟ ꍏꈤꌩꅏꍏꌩ, ꅏꃅꍏ꓄ ꀸꂦ ꌩꂦꀎ ꍟꊼᖘꍟꉓ꓄?"(no one likes me anyway, what do you expect) Added corrupted Jeffree before he attacked him. Rainbow Dawson fought back and shoved him off.

"Well seems you forgot we switched lives for a day one time so I could see what it's like and show you're not as bad as everyone makes you out to be" added rainbow Dawson. He fought back and was thinking. "Aaron, I'm going to make an odd request" added Shane. Brainwashed Jeffree faced them and blasted Rainbow Dawson taking him by surprise. "Tell me quickly" added Aaron. "I'm gonna have to rely on my very awkward past to confuse him" stated Rainbow Dawson. "Wait hold on, you're asking me THAT?!" Exclaimed Aaron. Rainbow Dawson cringed but nodded.

Aaron bit his lip and set it up. "Identity change, Shanaynay come fourth" added Aaron. Rainbow Dawson swapped to Shanaynay who stood up. Brainwashed Jeffree was taken aback. "Well, seems I have some loose ends to tie up and I get to start with you" stated Shanaynay. Joey was hugging himself and shaking. He had some not so great memories when he has faced Shanaynay before. Aaron checked his options and saw none.

"Well I guess you have free reign do whatever you have to" added Aaron. Shanaynay laughed and faced Jeffree. "Well seems you're all mine" added Shanaynay. Aaron looked at them as they fought. Jeffree was too freaked out while Shanaynay messed around. He soon was able to purify Jeffree and the other fell unconscious. "Shanaynay game over" added Aaron impressed. The darkness vanished.

Alex, Lauren and Rosanna looked stunned. "Um.. He's.. Passed" added Alex. Everyone cheered loudly while Aaron and Shane grinned. "We did it!" Cheered Aaron. "You're welcome" added Shane.

(AN: Another part done! Because I got the story back WHOO! Anyway hope you enjoy!)

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