Chapter 19: Stuck in fusion

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Dr. V needed to get Anika and Mat apart somehow. He hated the special ability Anika carried with a passion. He went to get some ideas. "Perhaps... I'll help" stated virus cry. He whispered his plan to Dr. V and he nodded. "I'll do that" he said. He got the stuff from virus and left with a minion. Someone was listening and disappeared to send more messages.

At the academy Anika, Mat and Manny were working on the digital bond. They grinned at the success with Mat and Anika. "Ok now let's test it with Manny" added Mat. "Me now?" Asked Manny. "Well I mean we haven't tried it before" added Anika. The trio suddenly heard the alarm. "It'll have to wait" added Manny. They ran to the HQ and joined the others.

"Who have we got?" Asked Anika. "Looks like Dr V is out running crazy" added Safiya. "Alone, that's not like him" added Mat. The others were thinking. "We should stay aware just in case" added Joey. "You all be careful" added Nikita. They nodded and took off quickly. In battle they fought back.

Anika and Matpat digi fused but at the same time Dr. V unleashed Virus's device. They had the battle success but everyone did the game over. "Anika why aren't you unfusing and putting Mat back into control?" Asked Ilene. Anika was scared and tried but only glitched to Mat instead. "We can't.." Added Mat freaking out. The others gasped and quickly all got to base. "Hold on, you two can't unfuse" added Nikita. "Every time we try we just glitch to the other person" added Anika who was the one in current control.

The group was worried. "Hold on, let's check your wristband" added Aaron. "Yeah all of our connections are linked to them" added JP. "Let's go look at it" added Nikita. They all went into this lab and Nikita had their rescued ally Tana have a look. "Tana and technology?" Asked Joey. "I'm not as useless as you made me out to be" added Tana smirking. The others laughed.

After checking the wristband Tana showed them the problem. "Looks like there's a device in her wristband that's messed with her digifusion mode, Dr V must've expected it" added Safiya taking a look. "Virus Cry, this is his work" added Nathan. The group was worried a bit. "Can it be taken out?" Asked Anika scared. "Well, it's tiny, and unfortunately this wristband wasn't one of the ones Nikita gave" added Tana. Anika nodded a bit knowing what this meant. "Time to visit my sister" added Anika.

"You and Manny be careful" added Nikita. The duo nodded and hugged the group before taking off. In secret virus cry and gotten in the wristband too and was lying in wait. "t̸i̸m̸e̸ f̸o̸r̸ p̸a̸y̸b̸a̸c̸k̸" he said. Anika and Manny reached Bri's place and were let in. "You're stuck in fusion?" Asked Bri. "It's your wristband though which is why we're here" added Manny. Bri nodded and let them in.

"Go sit there, I'll get my tools" added Bri. She left and grabbed them before coming back. "Where's the device?" Asked Bri. "Here, it's tiny though" added Anika handing the photo over. Bri set up a mini camera to look inside and started working on it. "Hold on... I got it" added Bri. She soon pulled it out before gasping. "It's a trap!" Added Manny.

The group ducked and virus cry laughed evilly appearing. "s̸u̸r̸p̸r̸i̸s̸e̸ b̸r̸i̸!" He yelled. "Virus don't!" Yelled Bri before she was electrocuted and knocked out. "Leave my sister alone!" Added Anika who had now unfused. "w̸a̸i̸t̸... y̸o̸u̸ d̸o̸n̸'t̸ k̸n̸o̸w̸ t̸h̸e̸ s̸t̸o̸r̸y̸ d̸o̸ y̸o̸u̸?" Asked virus cry. Mat gasped a bit cause he knew the story. "Shut up, let's go!" Added Anika. She was ready and the wristband glowed.

"Lunarbeautyknight digifuse!" Yelled Anika angry. Manny gasped a bit and the duo suddenly combined perfectly. Mat cheered at the success. "This is what you get" added Anika. The trio fought back purifying virus cry. He had combined with mad cry back into one person. "Oh god Bri" he said picking her up. "You know my sister?" Asked Anika.

She unfused and had Mat and Manny back in control. "I was partnered with her before pewds took me... Mat stepped in when I told him I was in danger" added Cry. "I'll enlighten the details with everyone when we get to the hospital wing" added mat. They ran there quickly. The others gasped suddenly seeing Bri brought in and a purified virus cry. "What happened?" Asked Nikita. "It was a trap and I hurt her" added cry. "Let me explain" added Mat.

(AN: Sorry. Ok I got this up now. There's so many things I'm doing both online and off. But next part up and all set. Hope you all enjoy)

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