Chapter 25: Gamers and Gurus

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The finals have come so the final battles in the training grounds were about to commence. Gar and Nikita decided to team up for this round of finals. They were set to go as well. "This'll be fun" added Nikita. "I agree" added gar. Alexia, Aaron, Ilene and Anika were suiting up for their first test. Jack, JP, Joey and Manny were ready too. "Unfortunately I know you three have two tests to take since you have two partners" added Alexia.

"Don't worry we'll handle it" added Aaron. Anika smiled a bit looking at them. "My sister is awake so she's gonna cheer me on either way" added Anika. "It's so great to see you smiling" added Manny. Ilene chuckled as she finished getting ready. "Ok... Shall we guys?" Asked Anika. Aaron, Ilene, Alexia, Manny, Jack, JP and Joey nodded. They entered the arena and heard the loud cheers.

Nikita and Gar faced them with Mark and safiya. "You all have come so far, are you ready for your final test, or in some cases the first final?" Asked gar. Everyone going for the test said they were ready. "Then let's game on, we have two hologram ally fighters since four of you are participating" added Nikita. The arena lit up and it became the battlefield. The holograms were armed while Nikita and gar summoned Nyyghtguard and Hulkiplier to fight. The four digimax members looked at each other nodding. "New challenger" they called the wristbands lighting up.

"Antisepticeye!" Started Alexia. "Raef!" Continued Ilene. "Jpwarlock!" Added Aaron. "Lunarbeautyknight!" Added Anika. "Game start!" They all said before the personas appeared. Anika and Ilene choose to start with the holograms while Aaron and Alexia choose direct approach first. The members fought hard as did the two head teachers. "Let's show them what we've got!" Yelled Anika.

Meanwhile though two figures were seen next to the power box for the arena. "Ready to do this?" Asked one of them. "Bitch I'm so ready to take a shot" added the other. "Then let's get them" the first said before turning off the power temporarily. They heard everyone clamor inside in confused. The duo teleported inside and took the positions where the holograms were without the others realizing. "Everyone relax, the power will be back on shortly" added Nikita. It soon came back but everyone gasped at the two mysterious individuals in the room.

"Oh my god, James?" Asked Manny. "Huh bretman what are you doing here?" Asked Joey. The duo looked at them noticing they were dressed differently and a pair of black wings sprouted from James's back. Raef gasped recognizing them. "ცrơɬɧɛr, rą℘ɧąɛƖ ɬɧıʂ ıʂŋ'ɬ ყơų, ɬɧıʂ ıʂ ʂɧąɖơῳsteel" added Raef. "I'm sorry... I can't control myself.. Baron your thoughts?" Asked Raphael. "I don't care who I take on as long as I kick Nikita's ass" added the corrupted Bretman. The others gasped.

"Wait, these two were on the hostages list blank gave us" added Antisepticeye quietly. "Then let's get them out of this mess" added Alexia. The group got joined by Nikita, gar and their partners. "Change of study, let's free these two!" Commanded Nikita. The group soon fought back against the duo to try and rescue them. Bri stood up and cheered them on so the rest of the audience did the same including Preston. "Bretman why did you get yourself captured?!" Exclaimed Nikita. Baron attacked her.

"Because you shouldn't have invited me into that dangerous travel into the museum of the dead!" Exclaimed Baron angry. Nikita gasped remembering that mission. Joey distinctly told Matt and Nikita not to invite anyone, but she turns around and invites Bretman to help. Only for joey and bretman to be stuck fighting for their lives while she just stood by and only thought of herself. "Bretman I'm sorry, I didn't mean to" begged Nikita as safiya attacked him. "ʄơrɠɛɬ ıɬ ŋıƙıɬą, ıɬ ῳơŋ'ɬ ῳơrƙ ųŋɬıƖ ʂɧąɖơῳʂɬɛɛƖ'ʂ ɧơƖɖ ıʂ ცrơƙɛŋ" added Raef. Nikita reluctantly nodded.

Ilene thought of an idea. "Raef do you think joey being trapped in the box granted you anything?" She asked. Raef was thinking it over. "ąƈɬųąƖƖყ ı ɖơŋ'ɬ ƙŋơῳ, ı ŋɛ۷ɛr ɬɧơųɠɧɬ ơʄ ῳɧąɬ ıɬ ƈơųƖɖ'۷ɛ ɠą۷ɛ ɱɛ" he said. The others fought back. "Check his powers then if you're thinking what I'm thinking, but we'll need Tyler to help" added Aaron. The head teacher for the vlog class heard and freaked out. "Tyler it may work, let Ilene do it!" Added Alex remembering what he saw when he was dead.

Tyler whimpered but nodded a bit. "Fine, just this once I'll fight as the persona" added Tyler. He took out a spare vlog wristband and tossed it to Ilene who caught it and put it on. "Holy crap I think I know what you're wanting to do, let me help Adrigal is created from the remenants of the carnival master crystal" added Manny. Ilene looked at Anika who nodded in agreement. Anika put in the corruption code activating Adrigal.Exe before she was ready. "New player enter" added Ilene before Tyler reluctantly disappeared into the wristband. "Access shadow games" added Anika before Manny stopped and was surrounded, by the corruption code.

"ɬყƖɛr'ʂ ℘ɛrʂơŋą ıʂ ŋąɱɛɖ ცყ ɛıɬɧɛr ʑąrąɬɧơʂ ơr ცƖąʑɛr, ɧɛ'ʂ ɬɧɛ ɧɛƖƖɧơųŋɖ ʄırɛ ɠɛŋɛrąƖ ıŋ ɬɧɛ ʂɛr۷ıƈɛ ơʄ ɖıąცƖơ" explained Raef. "Nikita try corruption code with me, like Manny I died with the carnival master's crystal involved" added safiya. Nikita nodded and put it in activating Safiya's dark mode. She summoned dark Safiya in. "Adrigal game start!" Called Anika. "Blazer game start!" Added Ilene. The other two personas to help were summoned. They fought back against the duo.

Raef was able to use his purification ability and free Raphael. Everyone else soon broke Bretman free. The duo collapsed and everyone cheered on the victory. "Game over" the group said restoring the personas to normal. Manny and Joey helped James and bretman up. "Consider the gamer and beauty tests for these four complete!" Added Nikita. Anika, Aaron, Ilene and Alexia cheered. "We better get them treated" added Joey.

They all took off while Nikita and gar kept testing the gamer and beauty guru students.

(AN: next part is done! Like I said, hostages of Shadowsteel will be involved in each final exam chapter. For now I hope you enjoy).

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