Chapter 5: Trial by nightmare

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The following morning the group consisting of Anika, Mat, Aaron, Shane, Ilene, Meghan, Alexia, and Jack had woken up. They all got dressed and left to get to classes. Ilene was in Gar's class first so she went to the professor. "What is it Ilene?" Asked Gar. "What time do you want us to be here for the camp?" Asked Ilene. Gar was stunned hearing that before saying, "wait so you're going to sign up for the club?". " All of us are, myself, Aaron, Alexia and Anika" responded Ilene. Gar and Mark looked at each other grinning.

"Come right here after school ends and we leave shortly after" added Gar. "We'll be there" added Ilene nodding before taking her seat. Once the school day was done everyone had returned to Gar's classroom and came inside. There were a few other students there and Mark was chilling at the front desk. "Take a seat guys, gar will be back shortly" added Mark. They nodded and sat down. "Exciting isn't it" whispered Meghan. The others nodded before seeing Gar arrive.

"Oh wow we got a big crowd, anyway hey guys I'm sure you're all tired but you excited?" Asked Gar. Everyone was saying yes. "Good, well welcome aboard, for those that don't know me I'm garuku bluemoon or for you professor gar and this is my partner Mark aka markiplier" he said. Mark waved a bit. "So pretty much this club is for everyone who wants to do like live streams, make videos, and collab with friends the way we start is a team-building to get to know everyone hence why we're camping" explained Gar. "Don't judge him for this but he likes hearing wolves too" added Mark in a teasingly loud whisper making everyone laugh. Gar rolled his eyes a bit. "Very funny" he said.

Everyone soon had gotten on the bus and went to the woods. Once out everyone worked together to set up tents. Mat sighed a bit sitting down suddenly thinking of anti's words to madpat. "What's wrong?" Asked Anika. "I just... Can't shake what anti said.. I miss my friend Nate" added Mat sadly. The others came over worried but Jack felt horrible for hitting the nerve because of how close they are. "I remember seeing you freeze when he said that" added Alexia. "Want to talk about what happened?".

Mat looked at them. "It was when I was still partner's with Bri, I was aiding Natemare, one of Nathan's personas, in trying to get one of Nathan's friends back to thinking sense" he said. "Andrew had been kidnapped by an unknown enemy and he and Nathan are like two peas in a pod, but when we faced him he was turned into a evil version of himself known as Murderpony and Nate had switched to natemare to channel the pain he was in emotionally through natemare's evil abilities". " but the fight was interrupted by someone known as doctor V who suddenly had created this portal behind us, Nate pushed me out of the way and ended up falling through alone ". Mat was trying not to cry. " I vowed I would stop at nothing to bring him back but I haven't seen him since... And that was a year ago " added mat. The others were stunned and felt horrible. They hugged him while mat was crying.

"B-bri never spoke about h-her final mission, just th-that it was p-painful and I would d-do better" added Anika suddenly realizing. "Your sister was setting you up to fix what happened, get Nathan back and have Mat back to feeling himself" stated Aaron stunned. The group promised to help as well before everyone soon settled. Later that night, Aaron, Shane, Ilene and Meghan came out and started setting something up. "You guys are wanting Anika, Alexia, Mat and Jack to prove themselves for your defense team aren't you?" Asked Gar who startled them. "How long were you standing there in the dark?!" Exclaimed Meghan. Everyone shushed her before gar walked over. "Long enough, I knew you'd be using the camping trip for the test, mind if mark and I help?" He asked.

The foursome nodded before they got everything ready with help. "Ok, I can be a good actor for this, I mean how else have I been able to not admit I'm the killer when I played Dead Realm with Wade, Patrck and JP" he offered. They chuckled before Aaron said "go for it". Gar went into Alexia's and Anika's tent before shaking them frantically. " guys get up we need to get moving " he said sounding frightened. The two girls groaned and sat up looking very sleepy. "What do you mean?" Asked Alexia. "Just come outside!" Added gar running out.

Anika and Alexia looked at each other before getting up and coming out, jack and mat following after. They noticed a group of people a short distance away that suddenly made Alexia and Jack go wide eyed not realizing they were only holograms. "What the, wh-who are they?" Asked Anika. "You tell me" added gar. "It's... Our captors" added Alexia. Aaron, Shane, Ilene and Meghan ran over. "Your captors, how are they here?" Asked Ilene. "It's fooking obvious there's something on me that made me their tracked prey!" Exclaimed Jack.

"We won't let them get you let's get the others and move" added Aaron. Everyone was about to do that but only found empty tents, also holograms. "So, we finally found you traitor" stated the hologram of a certain Swedish bad guy that approached them. Jack growled glitching a bit. "Who's he?" Asked Anika confused and frightened. "King pewds, one of the leaders of the team" added Alexia angry. "He has the power to corrupt any YouTuber into doing his bidding" added Jack. Madpat was scared when he saw another familiar face even though it was fake.

"Matthew Patrick, time to finish what we started" the other said. Mat grimaced trying to maintain his sanity. "I'm guessing that's Dr. V?" Asked Meghan. Mat nodded in response saying "I know that giant brain anywhere". " We can't seem to escape, what do we do? " asked gar coming over. "S-seems we o-only have o-one option... Fight our way out" added Anika. The others weren't sure but nodded a bit. They all said game start before their partners disappeared.

"I guess I'll help you out, I won't let any student get hurt" added gar. The group faced them and the holographic version of the evil team was ready too. "Here we go" added Aaron' before they all activated their wristbands. "Nothing will get past the angel of disguise, Game on Raziel" stated Ilene before this blonde, magenta armored, masked angel flew out and landed. "Time for payback, game on Antisepticeye" added Alexia before Anti had appeared furious. "Is it fact, or is it a theory, let's show them our stuff game on matpatman" added Anika and matpatman appeared. "How do we know it isn't a conspiracy, let's figure out and game on rainbowdawson" stated Aaron before his partner was on the field. "I think we have this in the bag, game on hulkiplier" stated Gar before hulkiplier appeared.

A few more holographic enemies were summoned and Anti recognized all of them. "l̰̃ḭ̃z̰̃ã̰ s̰̃p̰̃l̰̃ḭ̃t̰̃, m̰̃ṵ̃r̰̃d̰̃ḛ̃r̰̃p̰̃õ̰ñ̰ỹ̰, t̰̃h̰̃ḛ̃õ̰d̰̃d̰̃f̰̃ã̰t̰̃h̰̃ḛ̃r̰̃, ã̰ñ̰d̰̃ õ̰ṵ̃r̰̃ m̰̃ã̰s̰̃k̰̃ḛ̃d̰̃ ã̰d̰̃d̰̃ḭ̃t̰̃ḭ̃õ̰ñ̰ w̰̃h̰̃õ̰s̰̃ḛ̃ ñ̰ã̰m̰̃ḛ̃ ḭ̃ d̰̃õ̰ñ̰'t̰̃ k̰̃ñ̰õ̰w̰̃" he said. "Then let's take all of them" added raziel. The group fought back against all of them. "I'll destroy you!" Exclaimed matpatman fighting Dr. v. The group each showed their strengths but when Anika was knocked down and her partner looked exhausted she closed her eyes. "What's she doing?" Asked rainbowdawson. Anika slowly stood up an odd blue glow coming from her wristband.

"You really want to reveal it now?" Asked matpatman. "We don't have much choice" added Anika. He nodded knowing she was right. "Activating... Digibond, grant matpatman and I the extra power" she said. In result the two suddenly combined before it was Anika but now she was mat's height and dressed in the matpatman uniform. "Hold on she has that?!" Exclaimed Aaron. The united force suddenly charged into battle and proved to be tough to beat. The group got the enemy weakened only for it all to disappear causing Anika, Alexia, mat and jack to be confused.

"What's going on?" Asked Alexia. "You guys... I'm sorry we did this but it was a test that you just passed" responded Aaron. "Wait what?!" Exclaimed Anika.

(A/N: And that leaves us for the cliffhanger!

Finally finished up this part. Hope you enjoy and let me key to specify back to my character sheet page.

Raziel: ego created by myself and a friend.

Rainbow dawson, hulkiplier, liza split, dr. V, theoddfather, king pewds and matpatman: owned by Jazza.

Antisepticeye, Murderpony and natemare: created by the jacksepticeye, Mandopony and Natewantstobattle fanbases.

Mystery enemy: another creation by myself and the same friend who will not be revealed for a while.

So there you go. Another side story is coming next because it'll tie in as a prequel to the next main chapter).

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