Chapter 21: "Blank" Information

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An injured Blankgameplays was assisted by the group. He looked at them. "Thanks..." Added blank quietly before coughing. Darkiplier supported him frowning. "b̫l̫a̫n̫k̫ s̫o̫ i̫t̫'s̫ y̫o̫u̫?" Asked Darkiplier. "I ᕼᗩᗪ TO GET OᑌT ᗪᗩᖇK, I ᕼᗩᗪ EᑎOᑌGᕼ" added blankgameplays. The team looked at the duo. They smiled a bit seeing the duo interact.

"y̫o̫u̫ n̫e̫e̫d̫ t̫o̫ h̫e̫l̫p̫ t̫h̫e̫m̫ w̫i̫t̫h̫ k̫n̫o̫w̫i̫n̫g̫ t̫h̫e̫ s̫e̫c̫r̫e̫t̫s̫ t̫o̫ s̫h̫a̫d̫o̫w̫s̫t̫e̫e̫l̫, c̫a̫n̫ y̫o̫u̫ d̫o̫ t̫h̫a̫t̫?" Asked dark. Blank nodded and stood up slowly. "I ᑕᗩᑎ ᗪO TᕼᗩT ᖴOᖇ YOᑌ" added blank. "Good, let's go do this" Nikita stated. Blank was helped to the computer and he got this flash drive out. "TᕼIᔕ ᑕOᑎTᗩIᑎᔕ EᐯEᖇYTᕼIᑎG ᗩᗷOᑌT TᕼE ᑭᒪᗩᑕE ᗩᑎᗪ TᕼE ᖇEᗰᗩIᑎIᑎG ᗰEᗰᗷEᖇᔕ Oᖴ TᕼE EᑎEᗰY TEᗩᗰ, ᗯEᗩK ᔕᑭOTᔕ, ᗩᑎᗪ EᐯEᑎ ᕼOᗯ ᑭEᗯᗪᔕ TᑌᖇᑎEᗪ EᐯIᒪ" added blank. He inserted it in and all the files uploaded. The others were stunned.

"Wow this is what I got sent initially for" added joey. "Until you got attacked we remember" added Ilene. Nikita separated the files out and grinned happily. "This is exactly what we need to take them down". Darkiplier nodded to blank impressed and pat him on the back. " n̫i̫c̫e̫ w̫o̫r̫k̫, b̫u̫t̫ w̫e̫ k̫n̫o̫w̫ w̫h̫a̫t̫ t̫h̫i̫s̫ m̫e̫a̫n̫s̫ " added darkiplier. "ᗯᕼ-ᗯᕼᗩT ᗯOᑌᒪᗪ TᕼᗩT ᗷE?" Asked blank scared. "We're going to have to make sure you stay protected" added Anika.

Blank was wide eyed and looked at everyone. "Let me take him" added gar. "He and Mark can work together to help me out and he'll be in the safety of the academy" added Gar. Blank looked at them shocked and was about to cry. "YOᑌ ᗰEᗩᑎ IT?" He asked. "a̫b̫s̫o̫l̫u̫t̫e̫l̫y̫ o̫l̫d̫ f̫r̫i̫e̫n̫d̫" responded darkiplier. Black hugged him and gar happily. "TᕼᗩᑎK YOᑌ TᕼᗩᑎK YOᑌ TᕼᗩᑎK YOᑌ" he said.

"Easy there" added gar. Blank let go and nodded. He switched to Ethan who grinned brightly but held his neck. "You were injected there weren't you" added JP. "Yes and no, blank resisted it until king pewds used his power of brainwashing" responded Ethan. Dark changed back to Mark who smiled glad to see Ethan. "Do you know if Tyler is ok?" Mark asked Ethan. "I'm sorry Mark I don't" added Ethan.

Mark looked down a bit frowning. "Tyler a friend of yours?" Asked Aaron. "Yeah one of my best friends growing up, but hopefully he's ok" added Mark. "You three get going, we'll go over the files" added safiya. The trio nodded and left while the team focused on the information. "Looks like this is saying something corrupted pewdiepie to become this power hungry king but it hasn't been made clear what, and it's bad enough that his wife Marzia has gone off the grid in fear she'll be assumed just as evil" explained Safiya. "Oh shite I remember I was at their wedding, that's why he got me first" added Jack groaning. Alexia hugged him in result smiling.

Everyone was thinking as they looked. "Seems we've got other trapped people too, we'll get them out of pewds's control" added Anika. Joey gasped at one of them and Raef was freaking out. "Nikita don't look" he said immediately. Nikita was confused and looked anyway to see one of the files of trapped people. "They turned back around and caught bretman" she said seeing his file. "There's a bunch of unknowns because something is protecting the information" added safiya seeing the private files. "Looks like James is also a hostage" added Manny noticing James Charles in the list.

"This is just as sick as how you all were treated by the people in my town" added Preston. Everyone took down names. "I don't think we'll be able to grab all of them but we'll get as many as we can" added Nikita. Everyone agreed and cheered. "This will destroy them for good" added Ilene.

(AN: finally I finished the next part. Shorter but still on point. They have the files, the whistleblower is in their protection, and they know their next move.

I'll give this small thing. They aren't side missions, but for each "final exam" battle chapter one or two names on the hostages list will be involved. But hope you enjoy).

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