Chapter 4: An after school plan

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After recovering from the incident yesterday Alexia is building a better friendship with Anika and also now with Aaron and Ilene. The group went to their dorm where Alexia now is and all let the YouTuber they're partnered with out. Jack immediately hugged mat scared. "I am so fooking sorry" he said. "I didn't know what I was thinking by hurting you" he added. Mat comforted Jack. "Hey it's ok dude" he said. Anika smiled liking the duo repairing their friendship.

"Well we get a free day now because today and tomorrow is for advertising after school clubs" explained Aaron. "Heh wonder if your boy is hosting one again" teased Meghan nudging Shane. "For your information I'm happily dating Ryland and nothing will change that, Jeffree is like my brother" added Shane. "He's out of the country anyway so he's not gonna host anything". Mat, Alexia, Anika and Jack looked at each other confused but shrugged. "We should check it out though" added Alexia. Anika received a message from someone and she checked it. The others looked at her confused.

"Everything ok?" Asked Ilene. "You guys go ahead, mat and I will catch up ok?" Added Anika. The others nodded before leaving and mat came over. "What's the message?" Asked Mat. "Apparently Professor Dragun wants to see us" added Anika. Mat was confused over that. "Why would the head teacher of the beauty category of YouTube want us?" Asked Mat. Anika shrugged saying "guess we better find out".

The duo went to meet with her and waited. Nikita soon came in with Safiya and the duo both seemed pale like they've seen a ghost. " professor Dragun, Safiya what's with the freak out?" Asked Anika. She then freaked and looked down. "S-sorry I shouldn't a-act like that" she added. "Um... Quick question.. By any chance are you the sibling of the knight sisters who secretly takes on cases of supernatural connections?" Asked Nikita. Mat and Anika both were wide eyed on that and Anika stumbled a bit. "Um...h-how would y-you know?" Asked Anika.

Mat hugged her protectively. "I don't know how you figured out her secret but yes" he said. "Mat you'll know once you see this" added Safiya. She got her phone out before opening it to a Twitter DM from someone unexpected. Mat was wide eyed. "But I thought he..." He started. "DO YOU THINK WE DIDN'T SAY THE SAME THING?!" Snapped Nikita who had tears welling up in her eyes. Safiya showed Anika as well.

Anika's attitude seemed to change to that of a detective. "I'm guessing by the looks on your faces this Manny is supposed to be dead?" She asked. "Technically I was dead too but I was brought back to life, but in this circumstance, we ask because Nikita is his target" added Safiya. Mat remembered and looked at Anika taking her aside. "Listen, the story behind this is Safiya, Nikita, Manny, myself, and some others were invited by vlogger YouTuber Joey Graceffa to pretty much save the 1970's from an evil carnival curse". " problem was that some of us had to die in the process, Safiya and I both were victims but I got revived " he explained. "Nikita.... She was forced to kill Manny against her will, because it was either that or kill herself" finished mat. Anika nods a bit and goes back to the girls.

"Please... I do want to repair my friendship with him, but.. Since no one knows where Joey is can you help get Manny's trust and then eventually he and I can make up for the mistakes I made?" Asked Nikita. Anika was thinking and nods. "Obviously I'd have to do it when school isn't in session but ok mat and I can look into that" she said. Safiya and Nikita hugged the duo thanking them before Anika and mat took off. "Don't tell Rosanna... She was there too" added mat. Anika exhaled before they went to join the others. The group went to investigate into the after school clubs before noticing that the head gamer teacher gar actually was in charge of one. "Hey mark!" Called jack seeing Mark was finishing up something.

Mark turned stunned like he didn't think he'd hear that voice. Jack smiled coming over. "Jack...I can't believe it" added Mark on the brink of tears. "Yep, this Irish boi is free and I'm fooking happy" added jack. The duo hugged each other laughing. "Gab has been worried sick about you" added mark after he and jack let go. "I know, I'll go to her as well, what's going on here?" Asked jack as the others joined him. Mark smiled stepping aside to let the group look.

"My partner Gar is hosting a gaming club after school". " pretty much he is currently setting up for the team building camping trip, but don't worry in general for this club anyone is welcome, it doesn't have to be just people studying gaming " explained mark. Alexia picked up one of the info papers and said they'd think on it while checking out the other clubs. "No problem, our first meeting is after school tomorrow if you're interested" added mark. The group checked all of them out also saying hi to friends. Once exploration was finished the group was back in their dorm room. "Ok we have papers of info for all the clubs here, we shouldn't overdo ourselves so how many should we go for?" Asked Aaron. The others checked.

"I'm kinda interested in the one gar is hosting" added Anika. The others looked. Mat was refusing to look at one paper because it was musical theater and it brought back memories of Nathan. "Perhaps we do one club together for the first year?" Asked Alexia. Everyone else nodded deciding to make a unanimous choice on the one Gar hosts. Ilene and Aaron silently nodded to each other meaning this was the perfect opportunity to test them. The group settled on it and soon went to bed for the night.

(Well finally done. Here's the next part to add in. Also for any "mini missions" I guess you could call them I'll label them as the number of the current chapter with a .5 added.

The build will soon get out there like a rocket and it's action from then on. So hope you do enjoy)

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