Chapter 14.5: Makeup Shake-up

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(This is the origin story to how Nikita and Safiya became partners after last chapter's surprise visitor).

Ruins of Everlock: Nikita looks around sadly. "There was a second chance". " and I was stupid... " she said. She looked down and sighed. "Manny will never forgive me" she said. She laid flowers on ash piles. "I'm not that rude" added Nikita. She left the area.

Among the ashes a zombie arm is seen popping out and a dirt coated, decayed, blood stained body crawled out. She stood up slowly moaning a bit before stumble walking away. "Nikita.... Kill" she groaned. She walked stumbling to find her. "Nikita
.. Kill". She noticed someone in the distance. Nikita looked around a bit. " hello? " she asked.

She shrugged seeing nothing was around her and walked off. She got home and went inside. "Hmmmm weird that I felt uneasy, that's not like me" added Nikita. She checked her schedule and groaned a bit. "Fuck I have group therapy tomorrow" she said annoyed. She went to bed and fell asleep not knowing how different her life will be tomorrow. The next morning she went to her group therapy session with Eva, oli, Tyler, Andrea and matpat. She had been stunned realizing on the others except Matpat being survivors.

Once it let out and everyone went separate ways Mat came over. "Hey Nikita, um can I offer something?" He asked. "What is it?" Asked Nikita. "Listen I joined this academy recently and I heard they're looking for a beauty guru to be a teacher for YouTube's beauty influencer area". " your name came up as an option " he said. Nikita was stunned looking at him. "Who would request me?". " I'm the bitchiest beauty guru of all beauty influencers and you know how I've been treated since you and I escaped Everlock" she said.

Mat sighed a bit. "I know I know, it was your buddy Bretman who suggested you" he said. "Stephanie and I are already there and it's a nice fresh start for us" he added. Nikita was stunned to hear Bretman himself requested her. "Hmmm... Can you provide me the information and where would I have to go?" Asked Nikita. "Yes and you need to meet with a British youtuber duo named Mangaminx and Krismpro for the interview" responded mat. He gave her the information and took off. Nikita read up on it and decided to try.

Fast forward to after she got accepted and after escape the night season 4's stuff: Nikita was happy being part of the teachers and she built up some friendships but also was shocked when she saw Rosanna. "Wait Rosanna, you were dead" added Nikita. Rosanna looked over and shrugged. "Thank Mat and Joey for getting me, Alex and Lauren back". "We came here to start over too" she said. "But... How are you guys alive?" Asked Nikita. "Well Rosanna and I were stuck in purgatory and these shadows took over when we died a second time, it did corrupt us but we got purified" added Alex. Nikita remembered the museum and what she did.

"So... Zombies?" Asked Nikita. "With the right help they were rescued" added Lauren. Nikita nodded and that night she was heading home only for this zombie to knock her down. "Son of a bitch I swear to fucking god I'll-oh my god!" Exclaimed Nikita backing up. She knew that tattered 70's outfit, fish hook shaped hole and dark hair anywhere. "Safiya that you?" Asked Nikita. The zombie safiya moaned and attacked her only for Nikita to kick her off and get up. She ran immediately home and slammed the door shut panting.

"If safiya is after me, that means zombie forms of Manny, and Roi may come after me too" added Nikita. She knew colleen didn't count since Joey did successfully rescue her and bring her back from the dead. She paced a bit and gasped. "Of course, I'll ask Rosanna or Alex" she said. She called up Rosanna since Nikita got to know her more. *"Nikita what's going on? "* asked Rosanna answering. " yeah um you guys told me you and Alex were corrupted to zombies, how the hell were you rescued exactly? " asked Nikita. Rosanna was confused and said "why do you ask".

Nikita groaned and screamed when she heard pounding on her door. " because fucking zombie Safiya is chasing me!!! " she yelled. She dove out the back window and ran. "Safiya is here?" Asked Rosanna on the phone. "Yes so tell me what brought you and Alex back to sense please" added Nikita. "It was mat, he seems to have a partner and he was able to have us forgive him for not doing enough to save us". " you can at least have them help, but ultimately since everyone blames you for Safiya's death, it's up to you to fix it" admitted Rosanna. Nikita looked down but nodded.

"Ok, I'll save Safiya" she said. She thanked Rosanna and hung up. She texted mat for help and ran quickly. Safiya chased her groaning. "Matpatman game on!" Nikita and safiya heard someone say before this costumed version of matpat appeared out of no where and knocked safiya back. "Mat?" Asked Nikita shocked. "Sorry, we probably should've told this part of the academy" added a female jogging up. "I'm Bri knight, nice to meet you" she said.

"Wait...I saw you in class on my first day of the job, what exactly are you?" Asked Nikita. "Human like you, but mat and I are fighters who protect innocents from evil" responded Bri making the joke on the human statement. "How exactly is Safiya here?" Asked Matpatman. "She must've crawled out of her grave after I left flowers and took off" added Nikita. "Rosanna told me you saved her and Alex". "Indeed that was us, but I'm sure you know the case here " added bri. The trio took off but Bri tossed something to Nikita. "Wear this, I think you and safiya are meant to be partners" added Bri.

"What, me and her?!" Added Nikita. She was confused over everything as she put the wristband on. "I think you know what to do" added Mat. Nikita turned to safiya who moaned slowly approaching her. These shadow creatures representing each of the funhouse guy's faces trapped mat and bri. "Safiya we didn't know it was a betrayal challenge, and yes I was selfish and caring about myself, so I now understand where everyone's anger came from when Manny and I came back to see you dead". "Please... I'm sorry, help me save them now and let us repair" added Nikita. "It was... My fault" she said.

The wristband suddenly glowed shocking her. "What the hell is happening?" She said. She saw a yellow aura around zombie Safiya before she saw her transform into this black knight armor fit for a woman and her skin tone and eyes were normal. "Wait, what happened to me?" Asked safiya confused looking at herself. "I....I saved you by confessing my mistake" added Nikita. Safiya looked at Nikita stunned. "Little help still!" Called matpatman. The two looked over.

"I know I have to earn your trust back, but can we partner up?" Asked Nikita. Safiya was armed and nodded. "I think we can make this work, but I think this look needs a name" added safiya. Nikita looked over. "Sorry to get punny but Nyyghtguard take them down" added Nikita. "Oh play on to my last name" added safiya before she destroyed the creatures and she was fully free. The other two came over and thanked her. Nikita and safiya smiled a bit and agreed to stick together as well.

(AN: the first of the origins now done. Phew it's a start. But now come others.

Let's just say the next duo really couldn't get along.

Not at first. So there's your hint. Hope you enjoy).

Digimax Defenders-CompleteDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora