Chapter 5.5: Joey's capture

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(Author's Note: As mentioned this is a prequel to tie in to the upcoming chapter called Operation:Icefall).

Nikita is seen in this odd looking location which was actually the headquarters of the people fighting the enemy known as Shadowsteel. She heard someone walk in turning to see it was Andrea Russet the resident medium. "Have you got him Andrea?" Asked Nikita. "Well... Yes and no" Andrea responded. Nikita was confused by that. "What do you mean yes and no?". " We found where he was trapped but the moment we freed him.... He wasn't himself " stated Andrea. Nikita was thinking and Safiya came over.

"So where's he currently?" Asked safiya. "Locked in one of the powered cells so he doesn't break out" added Andrea. "Safiya get Shane and Meghan, with Daniel missing they're our best shot because they've known him the longest" stated Nikita. Safiya nodded and went to find them. Shane and Meghan looked seeing safiya come in the dorm. "Nikita needs you two" added safiya. "Better go on ahead, we'll be fine" added Ilene. Shane and Meghan nodded before leaving with safiya.

"What's wrong that you need just us and not us and our partners" asked Meghan. Safiya turned and faced the duo. "We found Joey..." Added safiya. The duo gasped in response below Shane said "why do I sense a but". " but... He's not acting like himself, with Daniel missing we need you two because you know him the longest" responded Safiya as the trio entered the base. Shane grimaced because he knew the truth to the matter. "That... Dumb... Idiot" stated Shane. Meghan and Safiya were stunned.

"Let me guess, you found a glowing red eyed skull box and when it opened he came out different?" Asked Shane. "That's... Right... How?" Asked Safiya. "Pandora's box from the collector's museum, if you're drawn to it, it means there's evil in your heart, the box caused whatever transformation he went through" explained Shane. Meghan was wide eyed hearing this. "You remember it even though you were a ghost" added Nikita. "Wait.... I do too" added Safiya. The duo were led to the cell and inside saw Joey in his season 4 outfit but he had black veins on his face below his black eyes. "Oh my god" added Meghan.

Joey grasped the bars and grinned evilly at them. "ąŋɖ ɧɛ'ʂ ąƖı۷ɛ" he said looking right at Shane. "Yeah I'm alive, but you were stupid to fall under that spell of evil" added Shane. Joey tsked a bit. "ŋơῳ ɬɧąɬ'ʂ ŋơɬ ŋıƈɛ ɬơ ʂąყ, ცųɬ ɬɧɛŋ ąɠąıŋ ʝơɛყ ɧąʂ ɖơŋɛ ʂɬų℘ıɖɛr ɬɧıŋɠʂ" he said. The others were confused. "Why is he referencing himself in third person?" Asked Meghan. "He's done that to us too" added Nikita.

Shane was stunned and clenched his fists. "I know who this son of a bitch is..." He started. "Let him out, he's crazy but a worthy ally" he added. "But who is he if this isn't Joey?" Asked Meghan. Shane closed his eyes a moment before he was then wearing a red and black version of his escape the night renegade outfit, his hair darkened and had a pair of red demon horns and a matching red demon tail. "reмeмвer мe?" He asked Joey letting him out. Joey's whole appearance changed leaving him in all white and he hugged the demon Shane. "ąცąɖɖơŋ ɬɧąŋƙ ɠơɖ ყơų'rɛ ąƖı۷ɛ" he said.

Abaddon hugged back smiling. "ιт'ѕ oĸ raeғ" he said. The duo looked at the girls. "allow мe тo ιnтrodυce raeғ, нe'ѕ тнe ĸιng oғ тнe realм ĸnown aѕ lιмвo and joey'ѕ darĸ ѕιde" added abaddon. "Clearly you two are old friends" added Safiya. Raef bowed to them. "ı ą℘ơƖơɠıʑɛ ʄơr ɱყ ąɬɬıɬųɖɛ, ı'ɱ ųʂųąƖƖყ ŋơɬ ɬɧıʂ ცąɖ" added Raef.

They smiled and welcomed him before Joey took back control. The others were worried a bit over a situation. "Joey are you willing to help us with this problem"? Asked Nikita. "That depends on what the problem is" added Joey. Safiya and Meghan explained the situation and once they were done Joey nodded agreeing to it. He trained the next few months until he was sent on this mission. Joey was able to infiltrate the headquarters of the enemy team and smiled. "I'm in" added joey on communication.

*"ok I've provided your best entrance, be careful "* added Nikita giving it to him. He got inside and was quiet exploring a bit. *" the enemies are no where near you, don't worry "*. " that's helpful " added Joey. He got in one room but gasped and hid. Someone came in and he noticed it was Liza, but she wasn't herself. "Liza's here?" He whispered. *"she's one of the corrupted, be careful "* stated Safiya on communication.

Joey nodded and waited until she was gone before slipping in. He coughed a bit because the new room was dusty. He got to this laptop and with help hacked into it. " ok I'll send the information I found, it's files of everyone trapped here under evil control " he said. *"not much to begin with but a start "* stated Nikita. Joey got to work and it started sending only for him to be blasted on the back. He stumbled and turned seeing someone there. " d-dani-" he started before he lost consciousness.

The file got to the team though. *"Joey? "*/ *" Joey!"* exclaimed Nikita. The group back in the good guy base looked at each other. "This isn't good" added Safiya. Joey woke up finding a collar around his neck and he was chained up. "The great Joey graceffa, though I sense someone more powerful" added king pewds. "I think he'll be perfect" he added before trying to get Joey to break. It went on for weeks as Joey struggled to keep his mind blocked.

However he couldn't take it anymore and growled before saying "ı'ɱ... ŋơ.. ơŋɛ'ʂ... ʂɛr۷ąŋɬ!" He transformed to Raef and broke out but the collar halted his powers and he fought his way out physically before running away. A huge ice storm was created in result. "Find him, and get him back" added king pewds. An army was sent out. Meanwhile Nikita created a file to get Joey rescued. "Shane, Meghan, once you find everyone perfect for the team prepare for operation icefall" she said. "Understood" stated Shane. "Got it" added Meghan. The duo left.

(And there we go. Now the next chapter will follow.

The big question being will they find Joey first or will Shadowsteel?

We'll see but for now hope you enjoy).

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