Chapter 8: The Siren and the Wizard

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The next school day, Mat was feeling ill lately and didn't join Anika and the others for the following two days after. In truth he really just wanted to see his best friend again. He sighed lost in thought. Memories of the fight flashed in his head and he broke into tears. "I miss you Nate..." He said quietly. He sniffled a bit and Mark was walking by before he came in. "Mat what's wrong?" Asked Mark sitting by him. Mat hugged mark sobbing.

"I just want to get Nathan back!" He said. Mark comforted him. "Why not talk to Nikita about it?" Asked Mark. Mat sniffled and looked at him a bit. "You think she may have a way that we can find him?" Asked Mat. Mark nodded smiling a bit. "She probably can help out" he said. Mat sniffled and wiped his eyes.

He was helped up by Mark. "Thanks... I can ask her". " I'll help you" added Mark. The duo went to talk with Nikita and Safiya about Mat's feelings. The duo looked at them and listened. "Well... Maybe we could try to make a second portal at the same location" added Safiya. "That could work" added Nikita. Mat smiled a bit feeling hope in his eyes.

Mark nodded and left while mat gave Nikita and Safiya the information of the location where the fight took place that Nate initially disappeared from. The rest of the team soon arrived in the base confused. "What's going on?" Asked Ilene. "We need to turn our attention to one thing that needs fixing, we're going to get Mat's friend Nate back" added Nikita. They gasped and grinned looking at mat. "W-we should" stuttered Anika smiling. They all agreed and got the information. "My best friend, I won't set this aside" added Mat.

He took them to the location of the fight. "That's where the portal formed and natemare pushed me out of the way" added Mat. They looked and nodded with agreement. "Ok Joey, this is all yours" added Nikita. Joey held Matt's arm and got the memories before focusing. He suddenly created the portal and everyone went through ending up in this medieval world. "Whoa... It's like we stepped back in time" added Alexia. They looked around while Joey closed the portal.

"Nate's here?" Asked Mat. "That's what I got from memories" added Joey. They froze hearing multiple swords unsheathe and they were surrounded. "Oh this isn't good" added Shane. "Lock the witches up!" One person commanded. "Witches, we're not witches!" Exclaimed Safiya. They all got trapped and taken to a cell before being thrown in. "Bitch seriously?" Asked Manny.

Mat groaned a bit over this. "M...mat is that you?" A voice said faintly. The group gasped and looked in one spot seeing someone weakly look up. His disheveled appearance had his hair covering his eyes and looked like he'd been beaten up but Mat gasped and ran over before hugging him. "Nathan I can't believe it" he said crying. Nathan cringed in pain but hugged back. "What are you doing here?" Asked Nate. "Well we were supposed to rescue you" added Joey.

"I see how that turned out... The same way when I showed up in this place" added Nathan. The group looked at him. "Though I have been chatting with one person a lot, he didn't want me locked in, but his stupid town acts too scared". Mat looked at him. " You've been locked in here the whole time, you don't deserve that " added Manny. "Nathan, are these your friends?" Asked a young male voice. They all looked to see a fourteen year old boy dressed in a wizard's uniform with slightly messed up black hair.

"Preston this is Matt, and the rest must be people he met" added Nathan. Preston waved a bit shyly. "Sorry, my town isn't too fond of foreigners, whatever powers you used scared them" added Preston. "Can you let us out, jack has some trauma with enclosed spaces" Asked Alexia. Jack was shaking badly in fear. "Oh, um... Well I'm not a professional... But I guess I could try something" stated Preston feeling not that confident in himself. He focused before casting a spell and everyone heard a click. The door creaked open.

"It worked!" Added Meghan. Mat helped Nathan out. "Let's go" added Preston. He led them through a secret entrance and got away. "I um.. My peers are doing their best to convince them too" added Preston. The group was suspicious but Joey had an idea. Once they all had gotten into this forest Preston faced them.

"Bad parents I'm guessing?" Asked Joey. Preston looked down sadly. "They don't understand me... That's why I ran and stayed with my magic teacher" he said. Everyone felt bad and hugged him. "U-um....d-do you.. Perhaps... W-want to come to o-our world?" Asked Anika. Preston looked at them. "I ..I couldn't do that... It's not my home though" he said. Nathan looked at the others and walked forward a bit.

"Hey... You did a lot to help me when I was stuck, it's time I return the favor, I'll help you" offered Nate. Preston noticed Nathan hold his hand out. Preston looked at them and looked before shakily taking Nathan's hand. "Ok... I need some time away from this place..." Added Preston. He got this scroll that appeared out of no where and it opened. He read it and gasped. "What is it?" Asked Aaron. "My mentor... He wants me to join you guys, take it as independent study" added Preston.

The group smiled. "Let's get to the academy!" Added Nikita. Joey helped and got everyone through it. A wristband appeared on Preston's arm but it was in an unknown color. "Wait... That's new" added Shane. Nathan noticed this glow on him before he suddenly was healed and looked normal. "We seem to have a new category, music" added Safiya shocked. Nathan and Preston looked at each other but smiled and hugged each other while Joey closed the portal.

Everyone grinned and helped Preston settle in. Nikita made sure to get Preston and Nathan to start at the academy as well. Mat felt more relieved on the team up success regaining his confidence. *"I'm more ready then ever "* he said mentally.

(Sorry on the change up but just making it a simple change up.

It'll get changed back to fighting the enemy from now on.

Hope you all enjoy!)

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