Chapter 24

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I felt extremely cold and numb, am I dead?

My eyes fluttered open only to have me blinded by really bright lights making me close them once more.

Damn, I made it to heaven? 

The events of yesterday slowly came back to me and I relaxed as I knew I was in Doc's office. Definitely not dead or in heaven.

I opened my eyes and this time I was able to keep them open. I scanned the room and found that it was empty. Carefully I sat up feeling way better than yesterday and looked at the ivy attached to my hand.

It was finished so I removed the ivy and put pressure on the tiny hole stopping the blood from rushing out and placed a small cottonover it with a piece of tape. My hoodie was still on the table so I threw it on then walked to my office where I kept some extra clothes and things.

I brushed my teeth, took a shower then changed into some clean clothes and walked outside. Boss had now arrived and his eyes landed on me and I gave him a cold look with a nod which he returned.

He walked to me and told me to go home and I nodded walking to the SUV that brought him here.

"Alex! Gimme the keys bro," I said to the driver who gave me a bewildered look.

"Hell no lil boss, you look like you're dying, I'll take you home," he shreiked and I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever man, get me home," I said lowly not in the mood to yell.

We got into the car and he drove me home in silence. When I got there, Kai was outside and I sighed not wanting to hear about her dumb relationship with Klaus as I knew that would come up.

I got out nd thanked Alex who gave me a smile then left. I turned around only to be in Kai's arms making me scowl.

"Get the fuck off me," I said pushing her off me.

She pouted and poked my cheek making me growl.

"What crawled up your ass?" She asked taking my keys and opening the house.

We walked in and headed tk the living room and plopped down on the couch.

"How are you feeling?" She asked genuinely concerned.

"Fucking high, I can't feel shit," I chuckled dryly and she shook her head.

"Ya'know, I came to see you yesterday but your dad was in there giving you blood and told me to go home and get some rest, you were passed out anyway," she said making me snap my head at her.

He was what now?

"The old man has gone bonkers," I muttered rubbing my stomach which let out a growl.

"Oh come on! He was giving you blood, anyone would do that," she sighed making me chuckle.

"But he's not just anyone is he? It doesn't matter, his blood runs in my veins anyway," I shrugged and she sighed once more.

"Come on stupid, let's get you some food," she grinned pulling me to the kitchen.

I didn't protest because I was starving. She made us some ramen and we started watching Netflix as we ate.

We just chilled for a couple hours talking about random shit and catching up.

"You up for some pizza?" She asked with a cheeky smile.

What kind if question is that?!

"Hell yeah, I'll order," I said grabbing my phone but she pulled it away from me.

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