Chapter 16

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Theo's POV

I knew it! She's a fucking Capo! For the Colombian Mafia! At first it was hard to wrap my head around but after thinking it over, I realized how obvious it was.

When Gia found out about Hunter, to say she was excited would be an understatement, she was shocked out of her mind but out of nowhere paused her 'oh my god' broken record to say 'ohhhhhh'. Apparently the way Hunter acted made so much sense to her now and Gia shrugged it off like it was nothing afterwards.

I heard the door open and Klaus waltzed in and threw a water bottle at me. We are currently at the hotel and he hasn't stopped pacing outside our door since we got here.

"Dude! Why are you pressing her?" Klaus asked with a sigh as he walked into the room.

"I don't like her," I shrugged.

"You're just salty she punched your ass," he grinned at me wiggling his eyebrow.

No, that's not it, maybe?

"Bro, I can fucking believe this shit,  she's the famous young Capo of the Colombian Mafia! Do you know what this means!?" Klaus said looking amazed.

"No, please enlighten me," I scoffed rolling my eyes at him.

"This means she knows Lucifer, maybe you can find out something about her if you befriend Hunter, I know you got a little thing for the female devil," he smirked and I chuckled.

"We don't even know if Lucifer is a part of the mafia or a contract killer for them, they most likely don't know each other," I sighed.

"Or maybe they could be like best friends or some shit," he grinned and I threw a pillow at him.

He awkwardly sat next to me and I groaned because of the sudden silence. It was funny because I knew Klaus all my life and right now he wants something which I most likely won't give him. I let the silence linger and tried my best not to laugh everytime he looked at me with hope but frowned not ready to ask.

"Klaus?" I said not looking at him.

"Yeah buddy," he said looking at me with a weary smile.

"Why are you acting like a pussy?" I asked and he scowled at me.

He gave me a seepish grin and took one of my hand in his.

What the fuck is this shit?

"Klaus," I growled glaring at him then at our hands and he rolled his eyes.

"No homo, just listen," he said holding my hand tighter.

"Ohh, carry on then," I shrugged looking at him.

"Okay, so I want you to just listen to me and don't answer right away just thing about it, it would mean alot to me, you know I love you.....

"Oh this is getting fucking weird stop," I said wide eyed pushing him away and running behind the island.

He followed me and I walked around the counter away from him.

"Klaus!" I warned and he pouted.

"Bro just listen!" He yelled and I stopped.

"Don't, I can listen from here," I said and he stopped.

"Right where was I? Oh, yeah you know I love you man, and I'll do anything for you, you know that, so please, do this one thing for me," he said with puppy dog eyes.

I swear to god if he doesn't stop being weird I'll throw him out the window, were on the highest floor!

"Get to the point man!" I said watching him at the corner of my eyes.

"Would you mind switching rooms with Kai?" He said quickly and I took a relieved sighed clutching my chest.

"Bro! You fucking made me think you were gonna say you were secretly I'm love with me in some shit," I exhaled bending forward and resting my hands on my knees as I felt relieved that wasn't the case.

"Well you didn't let me finish babe," he grinned running and jumping on top of me sending me to the ground as he sat on my back making me groan.

"Sooo, you gonna do it, pleaseeee mannnnnnnn," he said hugging me.

"Klaus get your fucking ass off me!" I growled lying face down on the floor.

"Only if you day you'll change rooms," he chuckled making me sigh.

No way in hell am I going to do that! I'm not sharing a room with that idiot. I don't even like her as a person why would I agree to spend god knows how long being roomies with her? Then again, she wouldn't agree to it either, the feelings are mutual. I'm sure Kai is asking her the same shit right now. If I say yes, he'll drop the topic and get off me and she will say no. Win/Win for her and me!

"Are you asleep?" Klaus asked shaking me.

"Fine, I'll switch," I said and he got off me jumping like a little kid on Christmas.

"Dude! You just met her! I know you're a player and all but that's Hunter's friend if you fuck with her my guy, I'm not saving you from shorty's gun," I said seriously.

"I'm a Capo too man, I can take her," he shrugged and I chuckled.

"You don't understand Klaus, it isn't about the title, she grew up with the mafia boss, she's practically his kid. She knows more than you man, she's the Young Capo, she could have killed us that day in the gym, did you hear her walk in? We're trained to pay attention even when we're fighting. Don't mess with her sister man, I know if someone messes with you I don't give a shit about gender, know what the fuck you're doing bro," I warned and he rolled his eyes.

"Can't I just actually like one fucking girl without having to get called a player! Dude, I like her like actually like her, she's a keeper man, I know what I'm doing, I'll be a fucking idiot if I play this one," he ranted and I sighed.

"Well then, enough said," I muttered taken aback.

Is my little asshat finally ready to settle down? He's stupid but its admirable of him.

"Wait, you're serious?" He asked raising a brow at me.

"Yeah man, I'm not cockblocking," I chuckled raising my hands infront of my chest.

"Its not like that!" He groaned and I nodded.

"Okayy, if you say so," I said in a sarcastic tone making him sigh.

"Bro, I'm serious, she's not that type of girl, I just want to get to know her, what better way is there than living with her for a couple days," he said with a cheeky smile.

"I'm sure I could name a few," I muttered and he threw a pillow at me.

Sorry to burst your bubble man but it ain't happening.

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