Chapter 12

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Just like yesterday, Jess came and did my makeup this morning and my face was now blue back unlike the dark red from yesterday. I hate when bruises transitioned they look worse than they actually are. I don't have light, fair skin as I'm light brown but these bruises sure do fucking show.

I wore my usual vest and hoodie with some black ripped jeans today and a pair of white vans. The trip to school was shorter than yesterday but tiring none the less as the only sleep I got was in the car yesterday and that's the little I've gotten in three days.

I got out the car and grabbed my backpack slinging it over my shoulder.

"Hunter!" I heard Gia yell from behind making me stop and turn around.

She purposefully didn't stop and flashed me a grin as she ran into me sending us both to the ground and she sat on top of me with a smile.

"Hi," she chirped with the cheeky smile we met to and I growled.

"Get of me you fucking retard," I scowled pushing her off me onto the ground.

"You wound me friend," she groaned clutching her chest.

I sat up and looked at her and couldn't help but crack a smile.

"So, how's life?" Me said casually, dusting her hands on her pants.

"Oh you know, I'm at a low point right now, but soon I'll rise, I just know it," I grinned, pun intended.

"Me too, its like I'm flat on my ass, but it'll get better," she added with a grin.

"Get your asses up you fucking idiots, you look like homeless people," Theo growled kicking my leg out of his way as he passed by and Klaus gave me a sympathetic look.

"Hey boy!" I growled as he was now behind me and I couldn't see him.

"No, no, no pleaseee shut up," Gia begged covering my mouth.

Klaus facepalmed and I heard a low chuckle.

"What girl?" He responded and I got up turning to face him.

He was looking at me with a sly grin and I sighed.

"One day, someone is gonna saw your leg off with a rusty, dull kitchen knife and shove it so far up your ass, you'll be burping out your toes," I said out of nowhere and Gia buried her face in Klaus' chest trying not to laugh and he rested his head on hers shaking as he was already laughing.

"Okay?" He said confused.

"Me, its gonna be me is you don't fucking run, right now," I smirked evily.

He whispered uh oh before backing up slowly.

I yelled as I launched myself at him and sent him to the ground and punched him in his face really hard. I was now sitting on his crotch with my legs on either side of himamd grabbed his shirt pulling him up to my face so now he was sitting.

"Did you just punch me? Fuck, it happed so fast I don't know if I got hit or you're now gonna hit me," he said comfused and I grinned.

"Both," I smiled punching him again and he dropped to the ground clutching his nose.

"I would kill you but that had to be most sexiest way a girl ever hit me," he said groaning and I facepalmed.

Klaus and Gia was laughing their asses off unable to laugh silently now and I couldn't help but grin.

"I don't know if you're actually serious right now or if I fucking hit you too hard," I said helping him up.

"Run," he smirked with an evil look and I knew fucking better than to just stand there so I bolted.

He was now hot on my heels and I didn't even know where the hell I was going. I skated on the tile as I rounded the corner and looked behind me and he was gone. I stopped and looked around and sighed.

"I lost him, what th....Ahhhhhh

I was cut of from my celebration by someone picking me up and slinging me over their shoulders.

Oh hell no, I know he just didn't.

I slid over his shoulder and just as inwas about to fall he caught me and twisted my arms behind my back and held it their tightly making me curse as my shoulder was still sore after boss punched me.

My ribs were hurting any time I moved so I just sighed. What's the wore he could do? He can't kill me, I'll kill him before.

I sighed and gave up fighting and he chuckled as he carried me back outside and all I felt was me getting thrown then a loud fucking splash and cold water against my skin. He threw me in the fucking fountain! I quickly got up and grabbed his shirt and pulled him in with me and we started splashing water at each other. Dirty, fountain water, yes, I'm aware.

I was having fun hitting him with coins, until I managed to catch a glimpse of my reflection in the top part of the fountain to see my makeup washing off and stopped immediately making him stop. I took off to the bathroom leaving him there confused.

I locked the door behind me and walked to the mirror.

Shit! shit! shit! Dad would kill me if I came home like this. I can't have anyone see me like this else I'm fucked. My face looked badly bruised, if child protective services get called he would decapitate me! That doesn't sound to bad, fuck, then he'll get out and decapitate me, no win anyhow!

"Hunter you alright?" Gia called and I sighed.

"Could you bring my backpack and there's another bag in my car, I need to change," I said remembering there's clothes in my bag.

"Didn't you lock your car?" She asked.

"The key is in my backpack," I said and I heard her walk away.

I guess she'll have to see me like this then.

A few minutes later she called by the door am I let her in. She didn't look at me immediately but gasped when she saw me.

"Did Theo do that to you!" She yelled getting angry.

"No, I got into a fight Sunday, he wouldn't even get a chance," I grinned taking the bags from her.

"Damn, who the hell did that to you?" She asked and I shrugged.

"Long story, I'm gonna go home after I change, I don't got any makeup," I sighed pulling off my soaked hoodie.

"Wow, your tattoos are badass," she grinned and I smiled.

"Yours too," I muttered going into a stall.

I changed out of my clothes and got out shoving them into the empty bag.

"Here, put this over your head, pretend you're a gangster," she grinned throwing me a bandana.

I chuckled throwing it over my head and she took grabbed my backpack.

"I'll walk you to your car," she said opening the door.

I caught a glimpse of Theo and Klaus leaning against the lockers facing the washroom but quickly looked away letting the rag fall over my face.

"Fuck, they're coming," she said and I sprinted outside grabbing my bag from her.

I don't want any questions being asked and I'm sure Gia would make up something believable. I started the car and pulled out just as they all reached outside.

So I guess home isn't an option because boss will still be there so I went to the gym. I took a shower and got the extra clothes from my backpack because I always carry around clothes in my car.

When I was done I walked outside to find a dude I met yesterday, a trainee.

"Hey man, what are you doing here?" I asked and he grimaced as he saw me.

"Are you alright young capo?" He asked walking towards me.

"Training man, don't worry about it," I chuckled making him sigh in relief.

"I'm Luke by the way, just working out," he said looking around.

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