Chapter 44

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Theo's POV

As I walked into the estate, I noticed that everyone seemed to be busy, that I like. My eyes scanned the car park as I came in for her vehicle but it wasnt there, she didnt even reply me last night. She seemed off yesterday I guess she needed her space. I saw Don Alpha approaching me and I wont lie I immediately got a bad feeling.

"Theo, meeting.....EVERYONE! meeting!" he said normally then shouting to get everyone's attention then quickly walking the other direction making me grin.

I wonder what the fucks going on.

There was an announcement over the speakers shortly after and everyone crowded into the main hall mumbling and chatting amongst themselves wondering what was the emergency meeting about. That's when I saw Alec.

Don Alpha and my father both came to the front where a projector was set up.

"Listen up everyone! We have new intel from last night regarding Salim," Don Alpha said getting everyomes attention.

Immediate silence ensued as everyone's attention had been caught with Salim's name.

"So last night something went down at the Den. Blackjacks got raided and everyone present at that time wound up dead, with precise bullet wounds to their heads. The main issue is that Salim has apparently escaped," Dad said making almost everyone's jaws drop including mine.

Alec stepped forward and pointed a remote to the projector.

"My name is Alec, I'm Mr.Alphas eyes and ears in the underground, this morning, well it was a shitshow. There were bodies being hauled out and it was filled with Salim's men. Even his right hand got killed, Blackjack himself. Camera footage has been scrambled, there's absolutely no trace of what happened last night, no one saw anything, here's some footage I managed to get of the aftermath," Alec said playing a video on the projector.

Oh god, what the fuck happened there and whats their next move now that Salim got raided? If he escaped we got to start all over again, just when we thought we were getting somewhere everything crashed. Hunter's going to flip her shit.

The entire shop was dark, there were bodies sprawled out on the ground all with gunshot wounds dead center of their eyes, couldn't be a sniper because once bullets start flying and bodies drop they would have noticed and an alarm would have gone off. Couldn't be a team because somebody will see and there aren't no witnesses in one of the most busiest places that never sleep. It was baffling. I don't even think I could pull off something like that if I planned for months so one person mission seems impossible, then that leaves the question how did they get Salim out of there. They couldnt have kidnapped him, caarrying a body would surely draw attention, what the actual fuck is this? If he escaped how? And where is he ? How did no one see him?

The doors bust open and Hunter came strolling in and everyone's gaze shifted to her who was staring at the screen in awe and confusion, typical, she loves gore.

"What the fuck? Is that?" She said cocking a brow and Don Alpha nodded and filled her in.

She walked and sat at the table with the rest of the heads and leant back listening falling asleep on herself.

"Hunt, look alive, its important," I whispered under my breath to her.

"I was up all night planning the perfect bust but guess what" She grunted lazily rolling her eyes at the screen.

"They think it's us and now we have to prepare for any shit they pull," Klaus said and dad nodded in agreement.

"Now that everyone has a rundown on what's going on I expect everyone to be on their A game, secure your backs and I want everyone assemble in their teams. Prepare yourselves, this is going to get ugly, await further instructions while you arrange for weapons, dismissed," Dad said and they all marched out.

The Mafia Kids حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن