Chapter 2

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(Hunter Alpha 16 - Zendaya)

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(Hunter Alpha 16 - Zendaya)

"Are you awake child?" My father said impatiently outside my door.

Am I ever asleep in the darkness? I glanced at the clock hanging above the door, 3am. What could he possibly want?

"Yes, come in," I said calmly and the door creaked open revealing him in his crisp Armani suit tailored for him specifically.

My father, 40 may be old but doesn't look like it. His hair still black not a grey in sight and his body built as that of a man in his twenties in the army. He was physically fit no doubt courtesy to his position as the leader of a mafia. He's one of the most dangerous man to walk this planet and I shared a roof with him. His posture firm, his back straight always and shoes always shining. He always looked well kept, he had to keep uo his image as he was to set an example as to what men in the mafia should look like.

He walked into my room and stopped at the foot of my bed as I placed the book I was currently reading on my nightstand.

"Are you packed?" He asked, the expressionless face staring at me.

He never showed me any type of emotion. We have a love/hate relationship yet for the sake of our mafia we managed mentained a professional relationship as we were not the normal loving father daughter duo. It seemed as if he had no love for me but the older I got the less it mattered and now I couldn't simply care if he loves or hate me.

"Yes, what's the problem?" I asked confused as to why he would ask that if we are supposed to leave the following day.

"We're leaving now, get dressed and meet me outside in ten minutes, there's been a change of plans," he said simply before walking out of the room.

I walked to my bathroom and brushed my teeth not bothering to shower since I just took one before I got into bed and started reading twenty minutes ago. Throwing on a hoodie and jeans with some vans I grabbed my suitcase and electronic belongings and walked out the door.

My father was waiting in the driveway leaning against the car looking at his watch when I walked outside and he nodded as I got there on time and I fought the urge to scoff since there were men from the mafia waiting with him.

"It that everything?" He asked and I shook my head no.

"I have one more suitcase that's in the living room, I'll put this one than go get it," I said opening the trunk but Damon, one of the security guards took it from me and placed it in the trunk.

"I'll get the bag, you go sit," he said with a small smile.

"I can get it, its fine," I said proceeding to walk into the house.

I grabbed the suitcase and was halfway out the door when I heard a familiar click making me scream for everyone to run.

I dropped the suitcase sped off tackling my father to the ground sending us a good five feet from where he was currently, just as the explosion went off sending us even further with the blast. My body shielded his and his hand held my arm as I felt the scorching sensation on my back making me groan as I got off him and stood up. I pulled him up and immediately went  the other guys to help them up.

They all ran thankfully when I said to and if they were standing or parked any closer everyone would have gotten blown to bits. The windows of the cars that were lined up had shattered and pieces of the house had landed on the vehicles.

I immediately surveyed the surroundings and made sure everyone was alright. Luckily no one got hurt badly except for a few bruises from when they fell from the blast. However I on the other hand managed to tackle my father but the fire hit my back.

"Everyone get to the road now! If there are any other bombs planted, we can't afford to get damaged, call the warehouse and tell them send more vehicles, we're still leaving tonight," My father yelled so everyone could hear because our eardrums were still ringing from the blast.

The men nodded and escorted us to the road keeping high alert for any sign of ambush. This wasn't any bomb, this was dropped by a drone or something because security would have caught anyone messing around with the house. Clearly it wasn't dropped as it went off but was planted and I may have set it off somehow or it could have had a timer.

Within five minutes a new line of cars pulled up infront of us at the roadside. Everyone got in and my father and I were placed in separate vehicles as protocol because if something were to happen to the car we were in, both the heir and the leader would be gone. We would discuss the events on the jet.

The ride to the airstrip was uneventful and when we got there the entire jet was searched for any explosives which was unlikely of finding any since it was always guarded by our most trusted men weeks prior to a flight. We boarded the craft and within a few minutes we were in the air. My father came and sat across from me and gave me his jacket making me confused once more because this was weird and I wasn't cold and he wouldn't do that because he never paid attention enough to figure out if I was.

"You could have just rested it on the seat," I said sighing throwing it on the empty seat to the side of me.

"Put it on, your hoodie is burnt off in the back, while you're at it, get something to treat the burn," he said in a neutral tone and I chuckled pulling my phone out of my pocket to check what the hell he was talking about.

Unfortunately it was cracked to death.  Ah yes, I landed on it when we fell. I did get burnt but I didn't realize it was that big or burnt the clothes off my back, I just felt the stinging and forgot about it. I got up and walked to the bathroom taking his jacket along since I had nothing else at the moment.

There was a first aid kit in the cabinet and I found some burn ointment and rubbed it on my back after peeling off the hoodie which surprisingly didn't hurt since the adrenaline hadn't died down fully. I placed a huge plaster over it and taped it to my back then put on the jacket and returned to my father.

He gave me an approving nod as I sat down leaving me confused again because he always does things that doesn't make sense around me.

"About earlier, I...

"My job sir, is to protect the boss, just doing my job," I said coldly cutting him off and he remained unphased.

I meant what I said, the main priority is making sure the boss is unharmed and I did my job.

"Well then, shall we discuss what is to be done?" He stated more than asked and I nodded folding my arms.

"Why did you reschedule the flight to earlier?" I asked and he sighed deeply.

"I got word we were in the midst of an attack so I as soon as I got the word I acted, looks like I did the right thing," he said sounding pleased and I don't blame him.

I don't have time to find his source of knowledge about the attack since his resources are mine.

"Do we know who did this?" I asked.

"Not at the moment, I already have men working on it. When we reach LA we will devise a plan, as of now get some rest," he said getting up and moving to another seat.

I closed my eyes as the sun started showing because I now would be able to sleep. Sure enough I drifted off into the darkness and let my body be at rest.

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