Chapter 43

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"Won't they notice the spider has a little green light coming out its ass or the fact it looks like a robot?" Theo asked making Alec chuckle.

"Well I told you its a prototype, I can paint the light black and we could just maybe electrical tape the body so no wires are showing," Alec shrugged and Theo seemed pleased.

"Better than sitting here with nothing, Im starting to like this guy he's innovative," Theo said and they gave eachother fist bumps.

"Let's do this thing," I smiled and they nodded.

I watched as they bonded over paint and electrical tape and couldn't help but smile at Theo making a friend.

"Hey guys, we might not need that after all," I said looking out the window.

I was looking right at the fucker, I know that build, his face is covered but I'd know that motherfucker if his head was decapitated.

They immediately shifted their attention to the window and I felt something in me that I havent felt in a long time. Lucifer.

"Look what the cat dragged in," Theo said amused and our eyes met both glistening menacingly surely matching the smile beneath our masks.

"Come on kids, let's go, that's all I need," I said walking to the back exit.

"Wait.....we're done here?" Alec asked breathing a confused sigh of relief.

"My guy, shits now getting started," Theo grinned patting his back as he walked to the exit.

We managed to get out but I couldn't help but feel salty I couldn't kill him. It's been eating at me that the fucker somehow managed to stay alive after the shit I went through to destroy his base.

When we were back at top in a safe zone, Theo and Alec were still talking and enjoying each other's company which I adored. Theo usually doesn't like anyone, I'm glad he was able to make a friend.

"Hey Alec, here," I smiled handing him my gun.

His eyes grew wide and he immediately took it from me.

"What's going on?" Theo asked amused at Alec's newfound childlike state.

"She promised me her gun if I got her in and out safely.....that and a bomb but I doubt I'll be getting that," he chuckled inspecting it.

"Dude.......why? You can literally make any gun you want at this point," Theo grinned shaking his head.

"That I can but I cant make a famous Lucifer gun can I? I collect weapons, I have a huge day I'll get yours to add to it since I know that there's actually two of you but I'll take it to the grave.... if I dont I'll be going there but yeah, you know the name Cappy?" He asked and I smiled knowing now why he wanted my gun.

"Cappy? As in Captain in the psycho  pirate guy who lives in the Caribbean? The dude who stole an entire shipment of cocaine that was being sold to La Rosa?" He asked and we both nodded.

Cappy is a dead man walking but the fucker keeps walking. Me and Theo roll with the saying no face no case.....Cappy? He doesn't care he wants people see his face before they die and I've come to think he's invincible at this point with the amount of shit the man does and survive.

"I have his LeMat revolver, one of the cleanest weapon ever handed to me, got that for helping him with a situation a while ago, I got links kid but I ain't ever had something like this belonging to someone like her, it's become a habit now, I just gotta wait till i can call that payment with you," he chuckled and Theo looked impressed.

"How about I just give you it up front? Call it a prepaid favor," Theo laughed handing him his Baretta handgun and Alec shot me a look of disbelief.

He took it with no hesitation and silent screamed looking at both guns in his hand making Theo crack up.

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