Chapter 15

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"Oh and Hunter, that pair I gave you, don't loose it," he said sternly as I was about to walk away.

"Wasn't planning on it sir," I said walking back to the cars.

"Well we would be here on standby when you need the men and we'll be working out strategies at your every report, do you jobs well children," Don Royal said and we nodded.

"Dad, stay safe okay," Theo said patting his back and he shot him a genuine smile something my father has yet to do to me.

We boarded the vehicles, Kai and I in one while Theo and Klaus in the other and drove to the airport. We were taking the Royal's jet. As we pulled off I looked at my father who placed his fist on his chest and I returned the gesture. In our mafia a fist on the chest meant good luck and return safely. He always did this to everyone and today was no different.

"Boss, he's changed," Kai said softly so the driver wouldn't hear.

She snapped me out of my thoughts and I cleared my throat nodding at her.

"You think he's dying or something and decided to change his ways?" I asked seriously and she burst out laughing.

"No stupid maybe he just finally realized what's important, he would have let you know," she said snickering.

Unfortunately I didn't find it amusing.

"He made me kill someone when I was five, normally people have a change of heart for little kids," I shrugged and she sighed.

"Try, give him a chance again, show him you love him because I know and you know you do," she sighed.

The level of weirdness in his behavior  since I tackled him is honestly worrying. I don't know about love but at the end of the day, that man raised me and I live under a roof with good meals every day.

"Kai, I tackled him to the ground when we were leaving what if I like nade him hit his head hard?" I asked genuinely worried.

She once more started laughing.

"You're in denial that he's changing, when you get back home, show him a bit of love It's never too late to fix what's broken," she said softly.

"Easy for you to say, you had a loving father all your life, has Pablo ever made you stand in the rain in the middle of the night while thunder and lightning fucked up the place as a punishment?" I asked.

Her eyes grew wide since she's never heard about this before.

"He did that?" She asked unbelievingly.

"Yes, you don't know him Kai, I like things the way they are now, in two years I will move out and we would have a good distance so I wouldn't have to deal with his moody shit," I scowled.

"Did you notice his face when Theo told his father to be safe?" Kai muttered.

"No, I don't really care to be honest," I growled and she immediately shut up.

"I apologize, can we not talk about boss? How was Germany?" I asked changing the topic and talking normally now so the driver could hear us.

"It was amazing honestly although Captain Gergan is a tool," she said making me snicker.

"That old fuck is still there?" I asked remembering my training.

"Yeah, he's a real mean fucker," she shivered and I chuckled because she was right.

I mean, its his job to be a hardass. Once you get to know he he's alright.

We caught up until we reached the airport then boarded the jet. Theo and Klaus sat opposite of us and while Kai and Klaus exchanged love at first sight looks Theo and I bonded over exchanging glares and the occasional disgusted looks at them from time to time.

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