chapter 88

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Ye Feng walked out from the dilapidated palace. He found a relatively quiet place on Yuxu Inheritance's mountain and began his cultivation.

"Yuxu Inheritance transfers the power of stars to a human's body. In term of it, the human can obtain mighty power."

Ye Feng was serious about understanding the quintessential points of Yuxu Inheritance. During this process, he moved his body slowly and followed the quintessential points to start his cultivation. At the first moment of his beginning, the light curtain of star splendor emerged around Ye Feng. This meant he reached the entry level and preliminarily comprehended the quintessential points of Yuxu Inheritance.

"How fantastic the power is! It is so different from other skills!" Ye Feng's face was full of excitement. The more he knew Yuxu Inheritance, the more uncommon he felt it was. Yuxu Inheritance was remarkably powerful. If he could succeed in its cultivation, owing to it, he didn't need to fear anyone.

"Yuxu Skill!" Bright lights shimmered in Ye Feng's eyes. Yuxu Skill was one of the top skills of Yuxu Inheritance, which could incorporate the power of stars into body and summon thunder to help one in combat. It really enjoyed strong and limitless strength!

"It's a pity that the current Yuxu Inheritance is incomplete. It can't be cultivated to the level of calling for thunder." Ye Feng felt regretful that such a mighty skill was incomplete. But he quickly changed his emotion and put on a smile.

"I'm different from other people. I have Strongest System. It can repair all skills, so the incomplete parts of Yuxu Inheritance are not a problem for me." Ye Feng calmly summoned the data screen of Strongest System.

Host Name: Ye Feng.

Realm: 8th Layer Qi Condensation.

Constitution: The initial Saint Physique (0/10000).

Experience Value: 600.

Cultivation Methods: Immortal Sutra 100/100000 (first layer) (immortal method)

Divine Roc 0/10000 (immortal skill) (not open level cultivation)

Tiger Fist 0/700 (first layer) (middle grade of Earth)

Fire Cloud 0/1500 (first layer) (top grade of Earth)

Yuxu Skill 0/3000 (incomplete; no clear level; a lot of experience needed to repair it; not open level cultivation)

Magic Tools: Shennong Tripod 100/10000 (immortal incomplete) (ten stages for repairing, first stage now)

Qingling Sword 0/1500 (top-grade Spiritual Tool)

"I desire to upgrade these skills and tools to full level..." Ye Feng bitterly smiled. The only thing he lacked was experience value!

"Damn it! Why have I not received my awards yet? Who privately take possession of them?" Those awards were equal to experience value in Ye Feng's eyes, so they were very important!

"No way. I should go and find them. Without experience value, I can do nothing..." Ye Feng twitched his mouth and lengthened his stride to leave for finding Elder Fu to ask for his awards.

"Junior Ye..." An outer disciple was excited, accelerating his steps and walking to Ye Feng.

"Elder Fu orders me to send these awards to you." The outer disciple gazed at Ye Feng with respect. Ye Feng became famous and one of the most talented disciples in Luoyun Sect, so he dared not to neglect Ye Feng.

Ye Feng took over his awards from the outer disciple with bright smile, and cracked a joke, "I'm thinking Elder Fu privately takes possession of my awards and planning to find him, but you come here now."

Sweat trickled down the outer disciple's forehead because of fear. He thought it was so lucky that he didn't delay the delivery and came here without a stop. Otherwise, there would be a big trouble. He knew Ye Feng was an aggressive man; even the Kendo Inheritance's Elder had been slapped by Ye Feng. If Ye Feng went to find Elder Fu, he couldn't imagine what would happen!

"No, no...When Junior Ye left, Elder Fu commanded me to send the awards to you at once!" The outer disciple promptly explained.

"Don't be nervous. It's just a joke. I believe Elder Fu, it's impossible for him to occupy my awards." Ye Feng said goodbye to the outer disciple with smile, returned to the cultivation place and continued his cultivation.

"Amazing awards! They can exchange for much experience value!" Ye Feng's face was full of smile. This time he acquired 1,000 middle-grade spiritual stones, 12 second-grade spiritual cores and one middle-grade spiritual tool. Wonderful and abundant harvests!

"All exchange for experience value!" Ye Feng summoned the Strongest System, and used all awards to exchange for experience value without any hesitation.


"Congratulations to host. The exchange is successful. You get a total of experience value of 43,000. Until now, your remaining experience value is 43,600."

The sound of the system reached into Ye Feng's ears, making him be ravished with joy. "Wow. I have so much experience value now! Over 40,000! Ha ha, I can focus on cultivation for a relatively long time."

After thinking about how to use the experience value, Ye Feng decided to employ it in the Yuxu Skill. He wanted to see its power.

"Congratulations to host for successfully upgrading the Yuxu Skill. The cultivation level of the Yuxu Skill begins; current level is the first layer."

"Congratulations to host for successfully upgrading the Yuxu Skill."

"Congratulations to host for successfully upgrading the Yuxu Skill."

"Congratulations to host for successfully upgrading the Yuxu Skill."


Ye Feng continued to add the experience value to the Yuxu Skill at one fling without hesitations. However, the result amazed him. He spent approximately 20,000 experience value on the Yuxu Skill. But its grade was still unknown. In the meantime, the level of the Yuxu Skill reached the sixth layer.

"It costs too much experience value to upgrade the Yuxu Skill to the seventh layer!" Surprise appeared on Ye Feng's face. From the sixth layer to the seventh layer, more than 30,000 experience value was demanded.

"But the Yuxu Skill is incomplete. If I want to repair it, how much experience value it will cost?" Ye Feng let out a deep sigh, and hated his poverty. He really, really lacked experience value!

"Forget it. I should start my cultivation at first, and try to obtain experience value later." The Yuxu Skill had been upgraded to the sixth layer. He needed to understand it and completely combined the knowledge with practicality.

While Ye Feng devoted himself to cultivation, Luoyun Sect was getting into a mess.

"Hum. How dare Ye Feng slap Elder Ning? His courage is too big!"

"Yuxu Inheritance has declined for 300 years, now does it want to rise? Yuxu Inheritance has no qualification to look down upon Kendo Inheritance!"

"An Inheritance is made up of two persons. How can it be called Inheritance?"

A lot of disciples of Kendo Inheritance were aflame with indignation, and announced they would challenge Ye Feng, to pay off old scores for Elder Ning.

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