chapter 93

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"Ah!" Zuo Li let out a roar with sword lights shooting out of his body. Just like explosion, he jumped up and headed for the upcoming lightning.

It was amazing! Zuo Li wanted to parry the lightning attack with his physical body!

"What is Senior Zuo Li doing? Why does he withstand the lightning by his physical body?" A disciple asked, his face filling up with astonishment.

"It's 'Transmuting Body into Sword'. He has cultivated to that high level!" An Elder explained in a deep voice, "This is one of his sword skills. It will help him to transmute his body into sword. Namely, there is no distinction between him and sword. If the power of this skill bursts out, it can destroy everything!"

As the cracking sound spread from Zuo Li constantly, the sword lights on his body became increasingly bright. He gave off excessively aggressive energy. If someone could see Zuo Li in the distance, the person would find him like an unsheathed sharp sword, shimmering with sword lights.

"I won't be defeated!" Unswerving will appeared in Zuo Li's eyes. He released his power to the highest level and displayed the essence of "Transmuting Body into Sword". His body seemed like a perfect sword, gleaming and giving off formidable energy. This was his strongest attack and his last attack. If he failed to triumph over Ye Feng, he would have no chance to win.

"This is a really shocking combat!" Nearly all people became nervous. Both Ye Feng and Zuo Li launched their strongest skills, and the result would come out through this attack!


Brilliant light and splendor burst out, the two skills smashing with each other. At this moment, the bloodcurdling energy shook the mountain.

Poof! Blood flew out from Zuo Li's mouth and faint lines on his body cracked, which indicated his physical body couldn't bear the power of Ye Feng's skill.

"I'd rather die than surrender!" Zuo Li maintained his firm spirit; he gritted his teeth, endured the pain from his cracking body and forced himself to resist the lightning attack. However, Ye Feng's Yuxu Skill was too mighty; adding the power of the Divine Roc, it was impossible for Zuo Li to confront.

Pow! Zuo Li was attacked and flew out. He spat out a lot of blood, incarnadining the ground.

"I won't be defeated!" Zuo Li's face was full of pain and his eyes gleamed with unwilling light. He tried to stand up, but he suffered extremely heavy injuries. No matter what efforts he made, he couldn't stand up again.

"You failed to me. This is result, so you don't need to compel yourself to continue the fight." Ye Feng stood in wind and his clothes made a sound. No mercy could be found on his face. If he was weak and had no strong power, then the man lying on the ground would be him rather than Zuo Li. Ye Feng was sure he would be beaten to a useless man by Zuo Li and would lose the cultivation ability all his life if he was defeated by Zuo Li.

After the combat, the whole area fell into silence in a sudden. All people got into a daze, because Zuo Li and Leng Qingfeng, who had said they would suppress Ye Feng, had been conquered by Ye Feng. The two people were not common men! They were well-known disciples on the Qingyun List. Ye Feng's performance astounded all people here. His unrivaled pose spread out very naturally, making the crowd indulge in amazement.

As long time went by, people here gradually found their minds and a stir burst out among them.

"Why Yuxu Inheritance is fuck formidable like that? Even the fantastic Transmuting Body into Sword cannot compete with it!"

"In the inheritance competition among outer disciples, Ye Feng didn't show Yuxu Inheritance. This means he has learnt this skill in these days...Just in several days, he incorporates Yuxu Inheritance to a high level. How amazing his cultivation talent is!"

"He really displays daunting potential by vanquishing two superiors on the Qingyun List consecutively. He must become an all-powerful, highly-respected man in the future.

"Yuxu Inheritance has risen actually from today..."

The crowd completely fell into a mess, all people discussing Ye Feng.

"Elder Weng recruits an excellent disciple..." Elders who had seen the past two combats let out sighs, for no disciple under their Inheritance could be on a par with Ye Feng.

In a sudden, a type of bloodcurdling explosive sound resounded in the vacant space, and Yi Jianfei, the legendary Elder of Luoyun Sect, dropped down from sky.

"Weng Wuyou, damn you..." Yi Jianfei released a roar; his long hair danced in wind and his clothes were broken. All of these indicated he suffered huge losses in the fight with Weng Wuyou.


As the luster gleamed, Weng Wuyou appeared before the crowd with his body centered by star splendor. He was vigorous and energetic, and no injury could be found on him.

"Yi Jianfei. Indeed, I need to say thanks to you. If I have not experienced the previous fight with you that almost destroyed my cultivation belief, I think I can't get the quintessential Yuxu Inheritance and break my bottleneck in cultivation." Weng Wuyou stood on a cloud and gazed at Yi Jianfei with calmness.

"You were defeated by me, so you will be a loser all the time before me!" Yi Jianfei snorted; he generated brilliant sword light in hands and pushed out. Countless sword lights broke forth and cut to Weng Wuyou directly.

"Your cultivation belief is wrong. This is why you have made no progress in cultivation." Weng Wuyou shook his head. Meeting the widespread sword light hurrying to him, he kept his composure and never showed tension.

"Break it!" Before the moment when the sword light touched him, two beams of light in Weng Wuyou's eyes shot toward the upcoming attack. He let out a shout and generated the star power in his body. Then the widespread sword light before him was smashed into chippings. What a horrible scene! The raid launched by Yi Jianfei with all his strength was solved easily.

"You..." Yi Jianfei's face became pale. He was clear that the strength gap between him and Weng Wuyou was so wide, so continuing the combat was meaningless and would bring much shame on him. Phfft! Without any hesitation, Yi Jianfe summoned the rainbow bridge and landed on it to leave Yuxu Inheritance Mountain quickly.

"Kendo Inheritance came here in high spirits but left with terrible results..."

"Will Yuxu Inheritance shake off weakness and climb to the top again?"

Plenty of Elders sighed for the fast changing world, and then they got close to Weng Wuyou with their faces full of smiles.

"Senior, congratulations! Yuxu Inheritance will dazzle the sect in the future..." Those Elders gave credit to Yuxu Inheritance.

"You make fun of me! Yuxu Inheritance has only two persons now. How can we compete with all you guys and your Inheritances?"

"Don't play a trick on us! Except you, your disciple Ye Feng can correspond with our 100 disciples in power..." One Elder released a sigh.

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