chapter 121

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As splendor spread over the stone pond, Jiang Shui seemed elegant and stunning with an air of distinction; under the expansive light, her skin looked perfect.

With the strong heartbeat, Jiang Shui released mighty energy fluctuation, the energy in the pond crazily entering into her body.

"Amass gene and rebuild physique!" Jiang Chongtian let out a roaring, magic light bursting out of his eyes. After this most important step, Jiang Shui would thoroughly remold herself and Taiyin Physique would be complete.

Boom! Boom! Pow!

There came the shaking sound from the stone pond. Thunder rolled in the air and magic light rushed to the sky, lighting up the surrounding place.

Jiang Chongtian put on a dignified expression; the magic strength ran in his body for recovering the incomplete Taiyin Physique.

"It's only Senior Jiang Chongtian can do that! It's impossible for others to retain such huge consumption in magic strength!"

Astonishment overwhelmed cultivators here.

Rebuilding physique actually went against natural rules. It couldn't succeed without the support by strong methods.

Suddenly, a snow-white, sharp long sword popped up and fast cut to Jiang Shui.

"How vicious! Someone knows he can't defeat Senior Jiang Chongtian, so he turns to attack Jiang Shui!" Cultivators around the pond changed their expressions.

They immediately understood the one's purpose. If Jiang Shui owned a complete Taiyin Physique, she would then boast an infinite potential in cultivation. Later, she must be a top cultivator who was unrivaled in a domain. This moment was the best timing to kill Jiang Shui; in case of missing the chance, it would be difficult to deprive Jiang Shui of her life.


Jiang Chongtian sneered and the long sword stopped in the air at once. Just in a wink, the sword crumbled and its fragments scattered on the ground.

In the meantime, two beams of magic lights shot out of his eyes. Instantly, a cultivator flew out and two horrific blood-color holes appeared on his body.

The cultivator was the one who had launched a raid to Jiang Shui just now.

"I must kill you if you want to carry out an assault again!" Jiang Chongtian warned in a cold voice and his homicidal intent nearly touched the sky, shocking all cultivators.

This was the most important step in the recovery! He would not stand any mistake!

As splendor came out from the stone pond, Jiang Shui looked very bright and perfect; with the pervasive holy feeling, she seemed like a fairy.

Her heart beat increasingly strong, as playing a drum. The black substance was constantly squeezed out of her body, resulting in water boiling and rolling.

Suddenly, a beam of red light curled around her, like fire, and burnt all black substance in water. Then, the water in the stone pond became purer and endless vital energy rapidly spilt into Jiang Shui's body.

"Well done!" Jiang Chongtian's eyes sparkled, for he knew Jiang Shui's physique had been rebuilt and her Taiyin Physique became complete!

"Grandmaster, thank you very much!" Jiang Shui opened her big eyes and long eyelashes shook, her face full of gratitude.

Current Jiang Shui gave people a different feeling, which made people want to be close to her.

"Feel it!" Jiang Chongtian said in a pleasant voice.

"Okay!" Jiang Shui closed her eyes. As her spiritual sense floated within the body, she clearly felt changes everywhere. The intense comfort struck her.

"There will be an unrivaled cultivator in the northern area!" Quite a few cultivators sighed with emotion.

Jiang Shui's physique had been changed, so they would have no chance to obstruct her growth!

"Senior Jiang Chongtian, Congratulations! We have something important to do, so we have to say goodbye." Many cultivators said with a somber face.

This visit really hurt them!

Jiang Chongtian was not only in good health, but also featured formidable strength. Moreover, Jiang Shui's physique had been rebuilt, which was extremely terrible for them.

Luoyun Sect was going to rise, and they would be overshadowed.

"Stop." Suddenly, Jiang Chongtian opened his mouth.

"Jiang Chongtian, what do you mean? Do you want to kill us here?" Leng Wushuang said and cast a bleak glance on Jiang Chongtian.

"I know why you come to Luoyun Sect, but I don't care. I just hope you guys can do me a favor." Jiang Chongtian retained calmness.

"What?" Surprise appeared in many cultivators' eyes. Jiang Chongtian was unrivaled in the northern area, so they couldn't imagine what they could help him.

"I want to send two disciples to the Spiritual Road, so I hope you can help me collect resources." Jiang Chongtian still maintained his composure.

"Spiritual Road?!" All cultivators greatly changed their expressions. The Spiritual Road had been closed already. It was impossible for people to get in again. However, Jiang Chongtian had said that he wanted to send people to the Spiritual Road! Amazing!

"Nobody can enter the Spiritual Road if he is not marked by the Spiritual Road. Jiang Chongtian, do you know what you are talking?" He Zhendong darkened his face. Although Jiang Chongtian was formidable, but he didn't believe Jiang Chongtian could send people to the Spiritual Road successfully.

"Don't worry. You guys only need to help me collect resources." Jiang Chongtian said in an indifferent voice.

"If not?" The cultivator of Ancient Country Stone cooled his voice down.

"If not? Then I have to visit your sects and powers." Jiang Chongtian replied with a calm expression.

"You!" Quite a few cultivators blackened their faces. Jiang Chongtian was so strong; if he really paid a visit to their sects and powers, they couldn't stop him.

After silence overwhelmed the crowds for a long time, a cultivator gritted his teeth, "Okay, I agree!"

In fact, these cultivators had no choice. Jiang Chongtian was unbeatable; if they refused him, he would attack their sects and powers.

"So do we..." Many other powers also agreed with an unwilling face.

"You have three days only." Said Jiang Chongtian.

"Three days!" A lot of cultivators gritted their teeth for the time left to them to prepare was too short.

"You tell Yuanyi School they need to prepare double resources." Jiang Chongtian didn't wait cultivators' replies and left directly, because he was sure these cultivators would agree finally.

"What an unexpected result..." Cultivators shook their heads and got away from Luoyun Sect.

From today on, Luoyun Sect was different! It was not the previous one which could be bullied and humiliated by them without any worries. It became a top sect in the northern area!

Luoyun Sect, Yuxu Inheritance Mountain.

Jiang Chongtian stood at the entrance quietly and looked at the dilapidated palace on the mountain with thoughtful eyes.

"Grandmaster." Ye Feng emerged and got close to Jiang Chongtian, bowing with respect.

"Here would not be like this if that battle didn't happen..." Jiang Chongtian let out a deep sigh.

"What happened in that battle?" Ye Feng got astonished. That battle must be utterly uncommon; even the mighty cultivator like Jiang Chongtian nearly died for that.

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