chapter 118

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Almost all cultivators in the palace changed their expressions again.

How arrogant the young man of Yuanyi School was! When visiting other sects, Yuanyi School only needed to dispatch outer disciples? What a disrespectful action!

However, after they thought it carefully, they realized the young man was right...Yuanyi School had never actively visited other sects; instead, other sects initially paid a visit to Yuanyi School!

"What a madcap disciple! Is Yuanyi School powerful like this?" Jiang Tairan darkened his face. He would not be concerned about the young man's action and words if it was before. But after his Martial Uncle Jiang Chongtian appeared in the public, Yuanyi School should respect Luoyun Sect. However, he didn't predict that though Yuanyi School sent herbal remedies to Luoyun Sect, Yuanyi School didn't plan to lower its head. Yuanyi School tried to display its strength and despise Luoyun Sect's weakness from every aspect.

"Founder Jiang, please don't misunderstand me! Every word I said is true." The young man of Yuanyi School didn't show any fear and replied in calmness.

Cultivators around the young man couldn't help paying attention to him.

The young man's behaviors were too unusual! Each cultivator in the palace was hundreds times stronger than him in cultivation realm, especially Jiang Chongtian!

As an unrivaled cultivator in an area, Jiang Chongtian could kill the young man just by one finger.

However, the young man didn't seem timid at all. Both his words and behaviors were extremely audacious!

"You!" Fury emerged on Jiang Tairan's face. He really wanted to tear up the young man on site.

"Founder Jiang, you're the leader of Luoyun Sect. I think you won't attack an unimportant disciple, right?" The young man still maintained his composure.

It seemed that he had a strong support, so he didn't fear of aggravating Luoyun Sect.

"Take out herbal remedies." Suddenly, Jiang Chongtian opened his mouth with a calm expression.

"Before I left Yuanyi School, my Leader told me Senior Qin Chuan and Elder Qin Yu couldn't lose their lives in vain. As long as Senior Jiang gives an explanation and compensation to Yuanyi School, these herbal remedies will be handed over to Luoyun Sect."

"I don't need to explain to anyone for my behaviors!" Jiang Chongtian replied in a cold voice.

Cultivators changed their expressions in a wink.

What did Yuanyi School want to do?

Yuanyi School continued to provoke Luoyun Sect from the beginning, and even required Jiang Chongtian to give an explanation.

"Jiang Chongtian, I heard the thing. You went too far actually. Qin Chuan is Yuanyi School Leader's son. Qin Yu is Leader's brother. But you killed them!"

The cultivator from Ancient Country Stone stood out. He was tall and stout, wearing dragon robe and gold crown and giving off mighty energy. He might be a royal member or a top cultivator in royal family.

"Yeah. My old friend, you should change your temper! Don't be irritable!" He Zhendong of Wuxing Sect let out a laugh.

"Do you think you're still unrivaled in the northern area? Times have changed!" Leng Wushuang said in a cold voice.

The three big shots showed their attitudes one by one. It was obvious that they supported Yuanyi School and helped it to crusade against Jiang Chongtian.

At this moment, cultivators in the palace understood one thing - all people came here for affirming Jiang Chongtian's body condition and cultivation realm, not for visiting him.

"It seems Senior Jiang has to give us an explanation." The young man smiled slightly.

In fact, he didn't look like a youth; instead, he posted a maturity not of his age, which was surprising.

"Qin Ruisheng, do you think it's fun to play such a trick before me?" Jiang Chongtian gazed at the young man and asked.

"Senior Jiang, what do you mean?" The young man seemed to be confused, as he didn't understand Jiang Chongtian. However, a trace of amazement, not easy to perceive, flashed in his eyes.

"Does Senior Qin Ruisheng come here? Why I don't see him?"

"He is Taishang Elder of Yuanyi School, a big shot at the same generation with Senior Jiang Chongtian. He is well-known in whole North Domain!"

Astonishment overwhelmed cultivators in the palace, because Qin Ruisheng was utterly extraordinary. As an elder big shot, he was famed for all people here.

Not only these common cultivators, but also big shots here got surprised.

"Is Qin Ruisheng here?" A big shot presented the question, wonder gleaming in his eyes.

He had a close relationship with Qin Ruisheng and they became friends many years, but he didn't find Qin Ruisheng in the palace.

"Not only Qin Ruisheng, but also Qin Ruilong is here. Okay, Yuanyi School really attaches much importance to Luoyun Sect." Jiang Chongtian again opened his mouth, but his words made cultivators in the palace more perplexed.

"Qin Ruisheng and Qin Ruilong are blood brothers. Both are notable top cultivators!"

"It's said that when they collaborate, they will be greatly stronger than before. This is why nobody in North Domain dares to provoke them easily."

"But they are not here!"

All people got very bewildered and couldn't understand why Jiang Chongtian had said Qin Ruisheng and Qin Ruilong had arrived in Luoyun Sect.

"Senior Jiang, our two Taishang Elders are not here. What do you want to say?" The young man of Yuanyi School calmed down in appearance and got astounded inwardly.

"I'm gonna tell you my meaning." Jiang Chongtian replied with composure.

In a sudden, he extended his hand and stretched out one finger; with a beam of bloodcurdling light, the assault rushed to the young man.

"Jiang Chongtian, you're really eagle-eyed!" Facing the coming light beam, the young man changed his expression suddenly and then let out a laugh.


As the brilliant splendor lighted and dimly mist rose, the young man's figure changed fast.

Several seconds passing, the young man became a white-hair elder man!

"It's Senior Qin Ruisheng!"

People here recognized the elder man's identity at once and couldn't help shouting.

"Qin Ruilong, get out." Jiang Chongtian roared. A horrific ripple formed and ran to a location in vacant space in a blink.

As the shaking sound resounded, an elder man dropped out of the vacant space. He was Qin Ruilong, Taishang Elder of Yuanyi School.

Elder cultivators stared at Jiang Chongtian with light shining in their eyes.

How formidable Jiang Chongtian was! They couldn't guess out Jiang Chongtian's strength. They didn't find any sign of Qin Ruisheng or Qin Ruilong, but Jiang Chongtian directly pulled them out.

"Jiang Chongtian , it doesn't matter that you find our identity. Today, you must give Yuanyi School an explanation!" Sneered Qin Ruisheng.

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