chapter 97

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"What a confident man! My previous opponents said same words like you, but finally, they were defeated by me." Ye Feng gazed at Zhu Huai with a calm expression.

"I'm different." Zhu Huai repeated and generated his energy. The extraordinary, shimmering Blue Heaven Sword floated on his side.

"Ye Feng. You're so arrogant! You have made troubles for our Kendo Inheritance time by time. Do you really think our Inheritance is easy to be humiliated?" Hongling sneered and shifted the responsibility to Ye Feng. She wanted to transfer her contradiction with Ye Feng to the conflict between Kendo Inheritance and Ye Feng.

"If we don't get outrageous, you would think we're weak! Senior Zhu Huai, please give him a lesson and let him know how powerful Kendo Inheritance is!" One inner disciple of Kendo Inheritance came up with his request; he was also invited by Hongling to join the party here.

"Why do you think you can treat me like a dog? You tormented my friend, so no matter who will come here and stop me, I won't let you off!" Ye Feng threw out his frozen sights to Hongling. Yurou had helped him and received inhumane treatment because of him, so if he made a concession here, he would not forgive himself in his remaining life.

As Ye Feng's eyes gleamed, he sped up and jumped before Hongling. Pia! He heavily slapped her head-on. The whole action was so fast that others couldn't respond at once.

"Ye Feng...I will kill you!" Astonishment emerged in Hongling's eyes at first, but soon, it was replaced by fury. The red fingerprint was obvious on her white face.

"How dare you act violently when I'm here? Ye Feng, you're too imperious! Do you look down upon me?" Zhu Huai let out a cold roar; the Blue Heaven Sword glistering with blue light rushed to Ye Feng directly.

In the meantime, Hongling also launched fierce raids; she had never been slapped by people before, but Ye Feng had done that!

No fear could be found on Ye Feng's face. His skin sparkled as treasure and his body seemed perfect. He moved fast and intensely with the roar by his Tiger Fist. How terrifying the scene was!


As the first attack target of Ye Feng, Hongling flew out after the Tiger Fist had dropped down on her. Her blood incarnadined the ground immediately.

"Ye Feng!" Zhu Huai completely froze his face, for he couldn't predict that Hongling would suffer serious injuries when he was here. It really hurt his pride.

"I don't want to talk so much. Today, you must pay the price for your foolish behaviors!" Zhu Huai snorted. His Blue Heaven Sword became transparent in a sudden and disappeared straightly. Nobody knew what happened except him.

Ye Feng concentrated his attention and stood back quickly. Suddenly, the Blue Heaven Sword turned up and passed through his chest, leaving a wound. The blood came out at once.

Pow! Ye Feng responded promptly and carried out the Tiger Fist to hit the sword. However, the Blue Heaven Sword was so strange. Before Ye Feng's fists touched the sword, it again vanished, wasting Ye Feng's attack.

"I said I'm different!" Zhu Huai sneered with a calm expression.

"Invisible Sword Skill! Wow! Senior Zhu Huai has cultivated this amazing skill!" A disciple of Kendo Inheritance around Zhu Huai breathed in a gasp. He was astounded by that!

"Invisible Sword Skill can rank top ten sword skills in our Kendo Inheritance despite of so many sword skills. Hide the spiritual sword in emptiness and give opponent a critical strike. It's difficult to ferret out the sword."

"Almost all disciples of Kendo Inheritance want to cultivate this skill, however, only a few people have the qualification. How strong Senior Zhu Huai is!"

"The ranking on the Qingyun List must be changed repeatedly. In terms of the Invisible Sword Skill, Senior Zhu Huai must rank higher than before!" All inner disciples here sighed with emotion.

With the sound of swish, the Blue Heaven Sword sometimes appeared and sometimes disappeared. It hid in the invisible spaces, difficult to parry. Ye Feng got into an embarrassed situation; his clothes were broken and more wounds emerged on his body. This was him, who featured a strong physical body. If the other suffered the same attack, the person would be killed by the Blue Heaven Sword earlier.

"I must stop his attack; otherwise, I will lose to him sooner or later!" Lights shimmered in Ye Feng's eyes. He planned to take the initiative to start a raid rather than defend himself passively.

"Fire Cloud!" Phfft! The huge fire sea emerged and rushed to Zhu Huai.

Zhu Huai maintained his composure, cast a disdainful glance to Ye Feng and opened his mouth slowly, "It seems that I'm destined to triumph over you. I bring the Purified Water Bottle, so your Fire Cloud is invalid for me." As he said these words, he took out the Purified Water Bottle, which was a powerful magical tool. Inside the bottle was the Purified Water that could extinguish any kind of fire in the world.

Phfft! A stream of water rushed out from the Purified Water Bottle and formed ocean immediately. The waves ran to the fire sea.

"The Purified Water Bottle is a top-grade spiritual tool! No wonder Senior Zhu Huai will be selected into the Qingyun List. He owns two spiritual tools!"

"Ha ha. How miserable Ye Feng is! Senior Zhu Huai's skill and tools have restrained him. I think his good days will be ended."

"Senior Zhu Huai! Please give him a heavy lesson! Let him lose the confidence of provoking our Kendo inheritance."

All inner disciples here came from Kendo inheritance, so when they saw Ye Feng suffering losses continuously, they were extremely happy. In fact, they hated Ye Feng, because they thought Ye Feng was too presumptuous; he had cracked down their seniors several times.

"Ye Feng..." Qu Linyin got worried, for the fighting strength Zhu Huai had displayed was actually amazing and limited Ye Feng's skills.

"It's useless to be self-important. You should know there are so many people stronger than you in the world! Especially our Kendo Inheritance!" Zhu Huai was still calm; the Purified Water Bottle boasted mighty power, so it was easy for the bottle to break Ye Feng's Fire Cloud.

"You're right. But you are not a member of the strong." Ye Feng sneered and released the Yuxu Skill instantly. Indeed, he had prepared it all the time. The Yuxu Skill flew at Zhu Huai in a thrilling speed. Actually, Ye Feng never put all his hopes in the Fire Cloud and he just used it as a feigned attack. Only the Yuxu Skill was his real raid!

Boom! Boom! Pow!

Dark clouds covered the sky and a large lightning appeared at once with dazzling light. Quickly, the lightning hacked at Zhu Huai.


Zhu Huai flew out. He fell into an embarrassed situation due to the lightning. The smell of burnt meat spread out from him and black smoke curled up on his body. His hair went mad.

"Ye Feng! I will kill you!" Zhu Huai roared with blood rushing out from his mouth without stop. He looked terrible, losing the previous graceful temperament.

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