Chapter 17 The Ministry of Justice

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Dead silence!

All the factotum disciples were too scared to breathe.

That was Senior Brothe Xiaoyun!

A extraordinary outer disciple!

It was too horrible that he was kicked to death by Ye Feng.

They swallowed, and looked at Ye Feng in awe.

"Ye... Ye Brother, it was my fault before. I was blind as a bat. I didn't recognize that you are the true dragon(means powerful man).You are the bigger person, and let bygones be bygones!"

" you are my big brother since now, i will all listen to you!"

Some factotum disciples stood up and fawned on Ye Feng in case that Ye Feng would mention the past and find their trouble.

Ye Feng was too lazy to talk with them,they are just a group of two-faced people, they were not worth for him to talk with.

He went straight to the square wooden seal and collected it.

As soon as Xiao Yun dead,it was not as large as houses,but restored to their original size.

After he got up and was about to leave, he suddenly heard a loud yelling.

"Stop! How dare you to kill the outer disciple in Luoyun Sect openly. Do you think the rules of Luoyun Sect as tricks? Now, follow me to the Ministry of Justice!"

Ye Feng looked back and saw a young man dressed in white and stared at him with an angry look.

And next to this young man in white, there was a factotum disciple who was talking to him.

Ye Feng was clear immediatly, there must be someone tipped off.

Otherwise it was not possible that once Xiao Yungang dead,there was someone of the Ministry of Justice coming.

"Xiao Yun wanted to kill me,but he was less than me.Then he died in my hands. How could you say that was my fault?"

Without any fear, Ye Feng stood straightly, and his face looked calmly at the young man in white.

"The first rule of the law was to prohibit the disciple from killing each other. Now you have killed the disciple, how could you say that you are innocent?"

The youth was very angry and yelled at Ye Feng.

There was a flash of surprise showed in the Ye Feng's eyes.

He did not understand why the youth was so angry.

Even if he betrayed the rules and killed Xiao Yun, the youth should not be in such a angry like this.

"Senoir Brother Xiao Qing, you must do something for Xiao Yun!"

A factotum disciple cried and ran to him,he pointed at Ye Feng and said: "Ye Feng is really cruel, he forcibly killed Xiao Yun with brute force,which is really hateful!"

"It's true, we must punish this murderer!"

"Xiao Yun is such a good person, he is going to share the experience about the evaluation of outer disciples selflessly for us. However, Ye Feng had not only refuted Xiao Yun but ridiculed to Xiao Yun."

"Xiao Yun did not angry, and also gave him more detailed explanations.No one would thought that Ye Feng has no conscience at all. He sneaked Xiao Yun and even killed him cruelty! "

After Xiao Qing arrived, all the disciples stood upright with indignation, and swore black is white,slandering that Ye Feng sneaked and killed Xiao Yun.

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