It would be my pleasure Mrs mahlotra but I can't betray my morals that is to support oberio family Till last breathe of my life! Khanna said

You are suspended and I will make sure that you won't get work anywhere else ! Siddharth said

Please its my fault don't bring Khanna in it! shivaay said!

Sir come please! Khanna said

one minute give me keys of the car! Malika said

But it's very important to go please let us go! Khanna said

I said give me key! You can go by walk your legs are not broken! Malika said snatching the keys from his hand!

Shivaay glanced at annika but she ignored him no matter how much Her heart was pericing!

Khanna dragged shivaay!

They were waiting for auto but didn't found as if someone propesly stopped all the auto's!

let's go by walk! shivaay suggested

Khanna said and they walked but Khanna was little stressed!

Khanna what happened why are you so tensed ! shivaay asked

Sir there's some information about om sir! Khanna said

what? shivaay asked

that doctor will tell you! Khanna said and they continued to walk

After 2 hours they reached at mental asylum!

Shivaay finally you came! Doctor exaclimed!
Shivaay check out the reports of omkara! Doctor said passing reports towards shivaay!

Land slipped from shivaay's feet after reading the reports!

Yes Omakara's mental condition is not because of heartbreak or so its because he consumed drugs in large amount which has affected his Brian badly! Doctor said!

shivaay fall on ground!

What I have done! What I have done! I hurted annika without any reason ! My siblings were themsleves responsible for their condition but I blaimed annika for it! Shivaay cried!

Shivaay control yourself! But how can you let omakara to take such dangerous drugs! Doctor said

I didn't knew about it doctor! I knew that he started smoking after going to college! Actually he had fell in a bad company I tried to explain him many times but he gave deaf ears! I considered it as his childishness! I didn't knew that my life will be destroyed because of his addiction! Shivaay said with tears flowing through his eyes!

Sir I had went to Hospital where guari ma'am is been kept! I had found a letter of her to annika ma'am! Khanna said passing letter to him!

He opened the letter to read !

Hello di!

Anika Di I want to confess you everything which has happened since I entered in the college! after 6 months of my joining I was concentrating on my studies only when a boy named omakara started revolving around me to make me accept him as my love! Though I liked him but I couldn't accept him now because for me you were my priority and I wanted to do something for you first! One day he locked me in room and he came there after 3 hours! I Kept a gun on his head !
"I will wait for your yes till tommrrow otherwise I will shoot myself"
I was very scared! I told you
about this and the next day you came and slapped across on his face not because he was teasing me because he was talking about to take his life because
of me ! No one has the right to take their life right! Omakara didn't uttered one word when You slapped him then I got to know that he will respect you in future too! I accepted his love that day di ! After few months I got to know that he was addicted to drugs! I told him many times to be away from his bad company but he didn't listened to me! I rebuked him many times but he didn't borthered!

Letter to be continued

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