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Sam locked himself in the room he shared with Colby. His scent was everywhere. Sam missed him more than anything in the world. The roommates were getting worried about him. He hasn't left the room, he barely eats, he stopped talking to them. He completely isolated himself.

Sam wont rest until he has the man in his arms. No matter what the cost.

"Sam its Elton. I'm going to Colby's trial today. Do you want to come?" Sam looked at the door and stood up grabbing a pair of pants and one of the brunettes hoodies. He walked to the bathroom and showered.


Colby laid in his cell. Its been a week, tomorrow he goes to trial. He wanted to go home, be with his roommates and Sam. 

Colby sighed and looked around the cell. A man walked to the door.

"Against the wall, hands behind your back." Colby did as instructed. The man walked in and cuffed him before leading him out of the room. 

"Is the cuffs necessary? Frankly I don't like them and they quite hurt. It would be better is they were fuzzy" Colby smirked at the man. 

"Shut up inmate" Colby looked at the man.

"I have a name" the man brought Colby into a holding cell. Colby sat down and sighed. Soon a woman came in.

"Are you Cole Brock?" Colby looked at her and scoffed.

"I prefer Colby. Who the hell are you?" The woman smiled.

"I'm your lawyer. Names Andrea Russett." Colby looked at her and turned to her.

"Do you think we can get me out of here? Do you think I can win?" Andrea nodded.

"Colby I believe you are innocent and I will do everything I can to get you out of here." Colby nodded and stood up.


"Today we gather to stand trial against Cole Brock. He is here for 31 accounts of murder in the third degree." The judge said making Sam look at Elton.

"Elton what does that mean?" Elton sighed and looked at Sam.

"They are charging him for manslaughter. They believe he's a serial killer." Sam looked at Elton and looked back at the judge.

Soon Sam watched as they brought Colby out in handcuffs. A girl by his side.

They sat Colby down and the woman sat after her client.

After hours of trial, detailed pictures of the murders. The jury has come to a verdict. 

"Jury what is your verdict?" The judge announced. He grabbed a piece of paper and read it looking at Colby. 

"Cole Brock. I hereby sentence you guilty of murder of 31 people. Your sentence is life in prison." The judge hit his gavel against the desk.

Sam stood up and ran to the front where Colby was. "Colby no"

Colby turned around and saw his boyfriend. "Sam I will get out of here I promise. I love you." Sam nodded and kissed Colby before he was pulled away from him. Sam was left there crying.

Elton helped Sam up and sat down as he cried. 

"I'm sorry Sam.. I promise we will get him out of here" Elton held the boy. 

"Elton I promise you with everything on my entire life. I will get him out of here. No matter what the cost." Elton looked at Sam shocked. 

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